Persian language training classes in North Cyprus

Teaching classes in Persian language: “Education in the mother tongue: Persian teaching classes in North Cyprus”

In the heart of an island known for its natural and cultural beauty, North Cyprus, there is an important educational need for the Iranian-speaking community living in this region: access to Persian language education. Recognizing this need, Zahouriyan Investment Company has started holding educational classes in Persian language to establish a bridge between the culture and mother tongue and the educational system of Northern Cyprus. In the future, stay with us at Zahoorian Investment Company to learn about the educational system of North Cyprus and also the Persian language training classes of Zahoorian Investment Company!

Before getting acquainted with the Persian language training classes, let’s first get acquainted with the educational system and schools of this country! Studying in North Cyprus is attractive for Iranian students due to affordable education and living costs. This country is considered a popular option for immigration.

The educational system in North Cyprus is similar to Iran and includes four educational stages: preschool, primary school, high school and university. Children under the age of 6 first go to kindergarten and then start the 6-year primary school. Students are then transferred to high school and study in the first and second high school sections for another 6 years. Education up to the end of the first secondary school is compulsory in Northern Cyprus.

Turkish language is taught in private and public schools in North Cyprus, language education systems are used, and French is offered as a foreign language in North Cyprus schools. These schools do not differ significantly from each other in terms of structure, but non-profit schools charge fees for educational programs and provide students with more advanced facilities. In addition, the teaching hours in these schools are longer and students have access to optional and complementary courses in addition to the main courses.


Teaching classes in Persian language: "Education in the mother tongue: Persian teaching classes in North Cyprus"

Teaching classes in Persian language: “Education in the mother tongue: Persian teaching classes in North Cyprus”

Types of schools in North Cyprus

In Northern Cyprus, schools are divided into three categories: public, private (non-profit) and boarding (night). All three types of schools benefit from a modern and well-equipped educational system. Public schools from elementary to high school are free and mandatory for citizens and residents of this country.

Nonprofit educational institutions charge annual enrollment fees based on the age of students and the type of institution. These institutions operate under the supervision of the North Cyprus Ministry of Education and are required to comply with standards related to the curriculum, assessments, disciplinary regulations and teaching quality. Also, English is usually used as the language of instruction in these institutions.

Public schools in Northern Cyprus provide educational services from primary to high school without the need for entrance exams. Classes are usually held from 8:00 am to 1:00 pm and the main courses are taught in Istanbul Turkish. Students also spend at least three hours a week learning English and have the option of choosing another foreign language such as French or Russian. Co-curricular and extracurricular activities include computer, music, sports and art, usually offered three days a week.

Types of schools in North Cyprus

Types of schools in North Cyprus

In private schools in Northern Cyprus, students can choose Turkish, English, French, German or Russian according to their preferences. The annual tuition fee of these schools varies and is between 28,000 and 35,000 liras. Additional costs such as school services, uniforms and books are calculated separately.

At the time of registration, all costs are announced transparently. These schools also offer specialized activities such as chess, robotics and sports, and two meals including breakfast and lunch plus two snacks including fruit and cake with juice are provided by the school. Non-profit schools in Northern Cyprus provide educational services from primary to high school.

In North Cyprus, parents looking for a school with Iranian standards can choose from a variety of schools in the area. Schools in Northern Cyprus are divided into three general categories: public schools with Turkish as the language of instruction, special public schools with English and Turkish as the main language of instruction, and private schools where the language of instruction is English and Turkish is also taught as a second language. All these schools benefit from a dynamic and efficient educational system.

Although there is no Iranian school in North Cyprus, parents can enroll their children in public, private or international schools, each of which can meet specific educational needs. In order to better integrate students into the education system of Northern Cyprus, it is important to strengthen their language skills. In the international schools of this region, English is taught as the main language, but Turkish is also a common spoken language. But don’t worry, you can say goodbye to these problems with Zahorian Investment Company and Persian language training classes.

As we mentioned, studying in North Cyprus is attractive for Iranian students due to the affordable cost of education and living. This country is considered a popular option for immigration. However, one of the main challenges for resident Iranians is the lack of Persian language education in local schools. Zahorian Investment Company fills this gap by offering educational classes in Persian and gives Iranian students the opportunity to master their mother tongue in addition to their studies.

Also, get more information about private schools in North Cyprus by referring to the article “Private schools in North Cyprus” published in Zahouriyan Investment Company!

Training classes in Persian language

Training classes in Persian language

Training classes in Farsi

Realizing the importance of education in the mother tongue, Zahouriyan Investment Company offers educational classes in Persian for all ages and educational levels. Persian language training classes include full Persian language training so that Iranian students can have a deeper connection with their mother tongue. Also, training classes in Persian language help students to be more confident in the educational and social environments of North Cyprus.

For more information about Persian language training classes and other educational services provided by Zahouriyan Investment Company, contact our communication channels. We are committed to improving the level of knowledge and culture of Iranians living in North Cyprus and are looking to create more opportunities for education in this region. Also, one of the services provided by Zahorian Investment Company is investment services in North Cyprus! You can get free advice on investing in North Cyprus by visiting our investment services page!

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