North or South Cyprus

Cyprus, one of the large islands in the Mediterranean, is geographically and politically divided into two parts, north and south. This division was created as a result of the political and military crises of the past decades and has remained in force until today. This article deals with a complete and comprehensive review of the differences, features and benefits of each of these two sections.

North or South Cyprus

North or South Cyprus

Comparison of North and South Cyprus


Cyprus has a rich and complex history dating back to ancient times. But the current division of the island into two northern and southern parts goes back to the political and military events of 1974. In this year, after a military coup in Cyprus by Greek Cypriot groups, Turkey invaded the north of the island under the pretext of protecting the Turkish Cypriots, and thus, Cyprus was divided into two parts.

South Cyprus is known as the “Republic of Cyprus” and is recognized by the international community. This part of the island joined the European Union in 2004 and benefits from international support economically and politically. In contrast, Northern Cyprus under the title “Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus” is recognized only by Turkey and is considered internationally as part of the Republic of Cyprus.


The economy of South Cyprus is mainly based on financial services, tourism, shipping and commercial sectors. Due to its membership in the European Union, this part of the island benefits from many financial and commercial facilities and has wider markets available. In contrast, the economy of Northern Cyprus relies mainly on tourism, agriculture and Turkish aid. However, Northern Cyprus has significant natural resources and economic potential that could be attractive to investors.

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Culture and life

The culture and lifestyle in North and South Cyprus have significant differences. Due to its Greek roots, South Cyprus has a culture close to Greece and many of its festivals, foods and customs are similar to Greece. In contrast, Northern Cyprus has a mix of Turkish culture and local influences. These differences are clearly visible in the music, food, celebrations and lifestyle of the people of the two parts of the island.

The difference between North and South Cyprus passports

The passport of South Cyprus is known as the passport of the European Union and has many advantages. Holders of this passport can travel to many countries of the European Union and other countries of the world without the need for a visa. In addition, the South Cyprus passport provides access to wider financial and business facilities.

In contrast, the North Cyprus passport is only recognized by Turkey and has more restrictions compared to the South Cyprus passport. Northern Cyprus passport holders can travel to Turkey and some other countries without a visa, but their access to EU countries and the rest of the world is more limited.

Comparison of North and South Cyprus

Comparison of North and South Cyprus

North and South Cyprus map

The map of North and South Cyprus shows the geographical and political divisions of this island. Northern Cyprus includes the northern and northeastern parts of the island, and its main cities are Nicosia (Lefkosha), Famagusta (Gazimaghosa) and Kyrenia (Kyrenia). Southern Cyprus includes the southern and western parts of the island and its main cities are Nicosia (Lefkosia), Limassol, Larnaca and Paphos.

This political division is marked by a green line that divides Nicosia into two parts. This green line is supervised by the United Nations and includes various crossing points that allow people to cross from one section to another.

Further, if you are looking for information about working conditions in North Cyprus, you can visit our North Cyprus working conditions page.

Investigation of the extent and geography

Northern Cyprus has an area of ​​about 3,355 square kilometers and a population of about 300,000 people. This part of the island has a beautiful and pristine nature that includes beautiful beaches, green mountains and fertile agricultural areas.

In contrast, Southern Cyprus has an area of ​​about 5,896 square kilometers and a population of about 1.2 million. South Cyprus also has beautiful beaches and many historical areas that attract many tourists every year. This part of the island has more advanced infrastructure than Northern Cyprus and provides more facilities for residents and tourists.

North and South Cyprus border

The border between North and South Cyprus is known as the Green Line and is monitored by the United Nations. This border divides Nicosia into two parts and starts from the north of Nicosia and reaches the east coast of the island. There are various crossing points in this border that allow people to cross from one section to another. This border is very important in terms of politics and security and it affects the relations between the two parts of the island.

Is it better to invest in North or South Cyprus?

The choice between investing in North or South Cyprus depends on the goals and priorities of the investor. Northern Cyprus can be an attractive investment destination due to Türkiye’s economic support and lower living costs. Investments in the fields of tourism, agriculture and real estate in Northern Cyprus are increasing and provide many opportunities for investors.

In contrast, Southern Cyprus, with its stronger infrastructure and EU membership, offers other advantages, including access to the European market and international financial facilities. Investing in the financial, commercial and tourism sectors in South Cyprus can also have high returns.

Is it better to invest in North or South Cyprus?

Is it better to invest in North or South Cyprus?

Are northern or southern Cyprus hotels better?

North Cyprus offers quality and affordable hotels due to its low costs and famous hospitality. Hotels in this part of the island often have good facilities and provide high standard services. Many of these hotels are located in beautiful coastal areas and offer a unique stay experience to their guests.

On the other hand, South Cyprus also has luxury hotels and modern facilities that offer a different experience of accommodation to its guests. Hotels in both parts of the island have been able to satisfy the guests according to different needs and tastes. Choosing between North or South Cyprus hotels depends on budget, preferences and the type of experience each person is looking for.


North and South Cyprus each have unique characteristics, advantages and opportunities that can provide their own attractions for residents, tourists and investors. The choice between these two parts depends on the goals and needs of each person. With lower costs and pristine nature, Northern Cyprus can be an attractive destination for those looking for a different and affordable experience. In contrast, South Cyprus offers more opportunities for investment and more luxurious experiences, with more advanced infrastructure and access to international markets.

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