Where is Northern Cyprus?

Have you ever heard the name of the country of Northern Cyprus? Do you know where this country is located or with which countries it is neighboring? Northern Cyprus is one of the most attractive tourist areas of the Mediterranean Sea, which hosts thousands of tourists from all over the world every year with its natural and cultural beauty. This region, also known as the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, is the northern part of the island of Cyprus and is geographically located in southern Turkey, northern Egypt, eastern Syria and western Greece. Northern Cyprus is the third largest island in the Mediterranean Sea and is often known as Turkish Cyprus due to its close ties with Turkey.

Of course, the information about North Cyprus cannot be limited to these few sentences. Because North Cyprus is one of those countries that has had a history full of ups and downs and now it has become one of the developing countries. So, to live in North Cyprus and know its history, stay with us until the end of this article.

Where is Northern Cyprus?

Where is Northern Cyprus?

History of Northern Cyprus

The history of Northern Cyprus is intertwined with complex events that go back to ancient times. Due to its strategic location in sea trade routes, this island has always been the focus of great powers. In modern times, after the collapse of the Ottoman Empire and under the influence of British colonialism, Cyprus became a point of tension between the Turks and the Greeks.

In the 1970s, these tensions reached their peak and after a military coup supported by Greece and Turkey’s military response, the island was divided into northern and southern parts. In 1983, Northern Cyprus declared independence and the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus was formed. This declaration of independence was recognized only by Turkey, and other countries and international organizations still consider North Cyprus as part of the Republic of Cyprus.

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Population and language in Northern Cyprus

The population of Northern Cyprus is a mixture of Turkish and Greek Cypriots living side by side. The majority of people speak Turkish with a Cypriot accent, but due to the touristic nature of the area, many people are also fluent in English. These two ethnic groups have created a rich and interesting cultural mix with their different cultures and customs.

Important cities and regions of Northern Cyprus

Northern Cyprus is divided into six main regions: Famagusta, Kyrenia, Larnaca, Nicosia, Limassol and Paphos. Nicosia, which is the capital of this region, is not only the political center but also its cultural and economic heart. Each of these areas has its own characteristics and attractions that can attract any tourist.

Nicosia (Lefkosha)

Nicosia is the largest city and capital of Northern Cyprus. This city has a rich and complex history that is reflected in its architecture and culture. Visiting historical centers such as archaeological museums, mosques and old churches gives tourists a chance to better understand the history and culture of this region. Further, if you are looking for information about working conditions in North Cyprus, you can visit our North Cyprus working conditions page.


Kyrenia is one of the most popular tourist destinations in Northern Cyprus. With its beautiful beaches, Kyrenia Castle and the old port, this city provides an unforgettable experience for tourists. Girne Castle, which dates back to the Byzantine era, is one of the most important historical attractions of this city. Also, another service of Zahorian Investment Company is property purchase service in North Cyprus. These services are performed by our skilled experts and you can get free property purchase advice by visiting our North Cyprus property purchase service page.

Famagusta (Gazimaghosa)

With its sandy beaches and clear waters, Famagusta is an ideal destination for a beach holiday. The city also has several historical monuments, including the Church of St. Nicholas, now converted into the Lotfi Pasha Mosque.

Weather and the best time to travel to Northern Cyprus

The climate of Northern Cyprus is mild and humid, which is suitable for travel and recreation in almost all seasons of the year. The best time to travel to this region is from mid-March to early June, when the weather is mild and pleasant. However, for those interested in beach activities, the summer months are also very attractive.

Weather and the best time to travel to Northern Cyprus

Weather and the best time to travel to Northern Cyprus

Urban information and infrastructure

North Cyprus with its proper infrastructure provides a comfortable and enjoyable experience for tourists. The official currency in the area is the Turkish Lira, and the cost of living is relatively affordable. Arjan International Airport, located near Nicosia, is the main gateway for tourists to the region.

Security and emergency services

Northern Cyprus has a high level of security and tourists can continue their journey with peace of mind. Important emergency numbers in this area include fire department: 199, rescue unit: 111, emergency: 112 and police: 115.

Tourist and natural attractions

Northern Cyprus, with its unique variety of natural and historical attractions, is an ideal destination for nature and history lovers. National parks, pristine beaches and clear Mediterranean waters are only part of the attractions of this region.

Beaches and natural areas

The beaches of Northern Cyprus, with clear waters and soft sand, host thousands of tourists every year. Among the most famous beaches, we can mention Golden Beach and Lapta Beach, both of which provide a unique experience for visitors with convenient amenities and beautiful natural scenery.

Bafra National Park

Bafra National Park is one of the most important protected areas in Northern Cyprus. With its diverse plant and animal species, this park provides many opportunities for nature tourism and wildlife viewing. Tourists can enjoy hiking trails and picnic spots in this park.

Transport in Northern Cyprus

Public transport in Northern Cyprus includes taxis and buses. The cost of using public transportation is relatively cheap and tourists can easily move around the island by taxi or bus. It is also possible to rent a car for those who like to explore the island independently. International driving license is accepted for car rental in this area and the rental fee is quite reasonable.

Transport in Northern Cyprus

Transport in Northern Cyprus

Souvenirs and local products

With its local products, Northern Cyprus offers many opportunities for souvenir shopping. One of the most famous souvenirs of this region are olives and high quality olive oil. These products have many fans among tourists due to their excellent taste and quality.

Halloumi cheese

Halloumi cheese is another famous product of North Cyprus, which is considered as a delicious and original souvenir. This semi-hard cheese is one of the popular choices of tourists for giving gifts to friends and family due to its unique taste and its ability to be used in a variety of dishes.

Growth and development of Northern Cyprus

As we said at the beginning of the article, Northern Cyprus is one of the countries that faced severe lack of facilities in the past. Because of this, many citizens of this country did not even have the basic facilities of life. But in the past few years, he was able to provide better conditions for the lives of his citizens by using essential facilities and services. Promoting the investment, real estate and financial markets was one of the main things that the Cyprus government did.

On the other hand, it gave other investors a suitable space to reach their desired income in a short period of time by investing in Cyprus markets. With the passage of time, the amount of investments in the markets of North Cyprus and of course the economy of this country prospered. Today, investing in North Cyprus has become one of the most profitable ways of investing.

Comparison of North and South Cyprus

One of the common questions among tourists is whether it is better to travel to North Cyprus or South Cyprus? Both areas have their own charms and characteristics. Northern Cyprus is more attractive to budget tourists with lower costs and a greater influence of Turkish culture. On the other hand, Southern Cyprus may be preferred by some tourists due to its EU membership and more modern infrastructure. However, it should be noted that traveling to one of these areas may prevent you from entering the other for a while.


Maybe many people don’t know about Cyprus and don’t even know where North Cyprus is. With its rich history, pristine nature and diverse attractions, North Cyprus is one of the outstanding tourist destinations in the Mediterranean Sea. This region can provide a memorable experience for every tourist due to affordable costs, proper security and hospitable people. Therefore, if you are looking for a different and attractive vacation destination, North Cyprus can be an ideal option.

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