Northern Cyprus or Türkiye?

Both Northern Cyprus and Turkey have many attractions for tourists and investors with their history, culture and natural beauty. But these two regions have important differences that distinguish them from each other. In the following, we will examine and compare these two areas from different aspects so that you can make a better choice.

Northern Cyprus or Turkey?

Northern Cyprus or Turkey?

Comparison of Northern Cyprus and Türkiye

geographical location

Northern Cyprus forms the northern part of the island of Cyprus and due to its unique geographical location in the Mediterranean Sea, it has beautiful beaches and a mild climate. Turkey, a country located on the two continents of Europe and Asia, is surrounded by the Black Sea in the north, the Mediterranean Sea in the south, and the Aegean Sea in the west. This geographical location has turned Turkey into a bridge between East and West and has brought many cultural, historical and economic effects to it.

History and culture

Northern Cyprus has a complicated history with various invasions, migrations and political changes. This region has been under Turkish control since 1974 and is only recognized by Turkey. The culture of Northern Cyprus is a combination of Greek and Turkish influences, which is clearly visible in its architecture, music and local cuisine.

With its long and fruitful history, Turkey has a rich heritage from the era of different empires such as Rome, Byzantium and Ottoman. As one of the most important historical cities in the world, Istanbul is a clear example of this heritage that attracts many tourists with its mosques, palaces and historical markets. Turkish culture is also a combination of eastern and western traditions that can be seen in its art, music, food and architecture.

Economy and infrastructure

The economy of Northern Cyprus is highly dependent on Turkey and a major part of the region’s income is provided through tourism and agriculture. In recent years, foreign investments in the real estate sector have also increased, which has led to economic growth and improved infrastructure in the region.

Turkey is one of the largest and growing economies in the world, which operates in various sectors, including industry, services and agriculture. With large and dynamic cities such as Istanbul, Ankara, and Izmir, Turkey offers a variety of job and investment opportunities for residents and foreign investors. Advanced infrastructure and extensive transportation network are also one of Turkey’s strengths in attracting foreign investments.

The difference between Northern Cyprus and Turkish passports

Due to the lack of international recognition, the North Cyprus passport has more restrictions than the Turkish passport. Northern Cyprus passport holders cannot travel to many countries without a visa and often require a visa. These restrictions can be challenging for those looking to travel internationally.

On the other hand, the Turkish passport allows visa-free travel to many countries in the world. Turkish passport holders can travel to more than 110 countries without a visa or with a visa on arrival, which is a great advantage for Turkey. This advantage can be one of the important factors in deciding where to live and invest.

The difference between Northern Cyprus and Turkish passports

The difference between Northern Cyprus and Turkish passports

Map of Northern Cyprus and Türkiye

The map of North Cyprus shows that this area is located in the north of the island of Cyprus and is bounded by the Republic of Cyprus from the south and the Mediterranean Sea from the north. This island has mountainous areas, vast plains and beautiful beaches that attract many tourists every year.

Türkiye, as one of the largest countries in the region, has a lot of geographical diversity. From the high mountains of Central Anatolia to the beautiful beaches of the Aegean and Mediterranean Seas, as well as the vast plains in the east and southeast, Turkey has a variety of natural landscapes. This geographical diversity is one of the main reasons for attracting tourists and investors to this country.

Investigation of the size and population of Northern Cyprus and Türkiye

Northern Cyprus, with an area of ​​about 3355 square kilometers, is much smaller than Turkey, which has an area of ​​783356 square kilometers. This difference in size has great effects on the population, economy and infrastructure of these two regions. The population of Northern Cyprus is about 326 thousand people, and this small population makes it a quiet and less dense environment for residents and tourists.

Türkiye, with a population of about 85 million people, is one of the most populous countries in the region. This large population, along with the large size of the country, has caused a lot of cultural and economic diversity in Türkiye. Large and densely populated cities of Turkey, such as Istanbul, Ankara and Izmir, are the economic, cultural and political centers of this country, which attract millions of people every year. Further, if you are looking for information about working conditions in North Cyprus, you can visit our North Cyprus working conditions page.

The border between Northern Cyprus and Türkiye

Northern Cyprus and Turkey share no land border, but sea and air connections exist between the two regions. Northern Cyprus, as a self-proclaimed republic recognized only by Turkey, has a great economic and political dependence on Turkey. This dependence is especially evident in tourism, trade and investment sectors.

The close relationship between North Cyprus and Turkey has made various facilities and facilities available to residents and investors in North Cyprus. These connections include direct flights, sea transportation, as well as economic and commercial cooperation. Also, Turkey continuously provides financial and economic support to Northern Cyprus, which plays an important role in the development and economic growth of this region.

Is it better to invest in Northern Cyprus or Türkiye?

Choosing between Northern Cyprus and Türkiye for investment depends on the goals and needs of the investor. Northern Cyprus is an attractive area for real estate investment due to lower property and land prices. Favorable tax laws and various facilities for foreign investors make this region a good option for those looking for new opportunities.

With a larger and more diversified economy, Turkey offers more opportunities in various sectors including industry, trade and tourism. Turkey’s large consumer market, advanced infrastructure, and strategic geographic location have made it one of the most important investment destinations in the region. However, the higher costs of living and investing in Turkey than in Northern Cyprus may be challenging for some investors.

Is it better to invest in Northern Cyprus or Türkiye?

Is it better to invest in Northern Cyprus or Türkiye?

Are hotels in Northern Cyprus or Türkiye better?

Northern Cyprus hotels provide travelers with a unique experience due to their peaceful environment and natural beauty. Many hotels in this area are built with international standards and provide quality services. Staying in North Cyprus hotels is often associated with peace and comfort, which is a great option for travelers looking for rest and relaxation.

In contrast, Turkish hotels, especially in big cities and tourist areas such as Antalya and Istanbul, have extensive and luxurious facilities that are offered at different prices. These hotels provide a luxurious experience for travelers with various facilities such as large swimming pools, spa centers and quality restaurants. The choice between these two destinations depends on the type of travel and the traveler’s preferences. If you are looking for a luxurious and diverse experience, hotels in Turkey are great options, but if you are looking for peace and natural beauty, hotels in Northern Cyprus will be a better choice.


Ultimately, the choice between Northern Cyprus and Turkey depends on your personal preferences, your travel or investment goals, and your specific needs. Both areas have their advantages and disadvantages that should be carefully considered. Northern Cyprus will be an attractive investment option with its peaceful environment, reasonable prices and attractive tax facilities! Also, another service of Zahorian Investment Company is property purchase service in North Cyprus. These services are performed by our skilled experts and you can get free property purchase advice by visiting our North Cyprus property purchase service page.


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