Northern Cyprus City: Jewel in Northern Cyprus

Have you ever traveled to the island of Northern Cyprus? It is one of the most attractive Mediterranean islands that attracts many tourists every year. In addition, the economic conditions of the trap have made many people think of living in Northern Cyprus. But the important thing about migrating or traveling to Northern Cyprus is choosing the best city!

Each of the cities of Northern Cyprus is very attractive. But one of the most fascinating cities is Kender.The city of Northern Cyprus, one of the most beautiful and most visited areas of Northern Cyprus, is located in the northeast of the island. With the combination of natural, historical and modern attractions, it is a unique destination for tourists and investors from all over the world. The number of hotels and recreation centers in the area has made Gyne the busiest and most crowded in Northern Cyprus.

City of Northern Cyprus

City of Northern Cyprus

The importance of urban development on the island of Cyprus

Today, the island of Cyprus has become a popular land for tourists and tourists. But does anyone know what the days and the ups and downs are behind this growth? Northern Cyprus has not been booming for the past 10 years, but it has been difficult to provide for its elders. But a very practical idea to the minds of this government led to the growth and prosperity of Northern Cyprus.

It was the idea of ​​urban development. In fact, the Northern Cyprus government was encouraging immigrants to reside in its main cities by developing cities and its facilities. These include: building housing, establishing stores, drinking water use, security, etc. Over time, with the increase in the development of northern Cyprus cities, the island became one of the most growing countries.

Today, many investors and immigrants migrate to the country to live a better life. In addition, since each of the cities in the country has good attractions and facilities, anyone can choose a city for residence in terms of jobs, lives and income.

History of Gynene and its importance throughout history

As we said, the city of Gyrene is one of the best cities in Northern Cyprus. The city of Green has a rich history full of important events. The historic castles in the area were built after the Arab invasion of the 7th century, and the main purpose of construction was to protect the city from enemy attacks. These castles are not only a symbol of the strength and strength of the city, but also known as important tourist attractions.

Girne Castle, one of the city’s most prominent monuments, is located near the Mediterranean coast. The castle is one of the most important ancient attractions in the region, with four watching towers and structures built in the style of Roman castles. In 1965, archaeologists discovered the remnants of a drowning ship 300 years ago by diving around the castle. The objects left over from the ship are now displayed and tourists can visit them.

St. Hilaarion Castle is another historical attraction located over the mountains of the area and overlooking the Mediterranean Sea. Built in the 11th century, the castle has three floors. The upper floor of the castle exhibits a unique view of the sea and the surrounding nature. One of the services of Zendian Investment Company is to invest in Northern Cyprus, and if you are looking for an investment in Northern Cyprus, the investment company will undoubtedly be an attractive choice for you! You can find out more about these services by visiting our Investment Service page!

Natural attractions and recreational activities

In addition to the historical attractions, the city of Kyrene Cyprus has a beautiful and pristine nature beaches that attract many tourists every year. The sandy beaches of this area are among the most beautiful coasts of the Mediterranean. Tourists can enjoy activities such as sunbathing, swimming, diving and water sports in the clear waters of the Mediterranean. Coastal rocks in the vicinity of Mediterranean water are another natural attraction.

There are a variety of facilities for sports and recreation on the coast. These include renting diving supplies and discovering the underwater world. The pristine nature of the area, including stunning landscapes of forests and mountains, provides many opportunities for hiking, cycling and camping.

Residential facilities and luxury hotels

The tourism boom in Northern Cyprus has made many luxury and luxurious hotels in the area. The Lords Palace Hotel is one of the five star hotels with its luxurious space and amenities, providing a memorable stay for travelers. The hotel has amenities such as outdoor and indoor pools, spa, international restaurants and sports clubs.

The Merit Royal Premium Hotel is another famous and magnificent hotel located adjacent to the Skype Beach and serves foreign tourists throughout the year. The hotel offers a unique experience of staying with services such as private pools, sports clubs, a variety of restaurants and luxury rooms.

North Cyprus Casinos Casinos

One of the special attractions of Gyrene in Northern Cyprus for tourists is numerous and modern casinos in the area. Savoy Casino is one of the most popular casinos located at the Savi Hotel. The casino has more than 300 games and 15 games and offers a variety of casino games.

The Golden Tulip Casino is another famous casinos located at the Golden Laleh Hotel. With more than 500 games and 20 games, this casino provides an exciting experience of casino games.

Kaya Artemis Casino is the largest and one of the most popular casinos in Northern Cyprus, located at the Kaya Artemis Hotel. This casino, with more than 700 games and 25 games, is an ideal destination for those interested in casino games.

Residential facilities and luxury hotels in Northern Cyprus

Residential facilities and luxury hotels in Northern Cyprus

Northern Cyprus festivals and events

In Northern Cyprus, Grena, as a cultural and economic center in Northern Cyprus, hosts numerous festivals annually, the most important of which are the Festival of Culture and Art. The festival provides a unique opportunity to get acquainted with the culture and art of the region, with hundreds of artists and presenters from around the world. Also, holding concerts, theater performances and art exhibitions throughout the year doubles the city’s cultural attractions.

The population and breadth of the northern Cyprus

The city of Gyrene is located in Northern Cyprus in the Kayernia area and has an area of ​​about 640 square kilometers. The city’s population is more than 33,000. Karne is known as a cultural and economic center in Northern Cyprus, and three universities with a student population of about 14,000 are located in the city. Also, if you are looking for information on working conditions in Northern Cyprus, you can see our Northern Cyprus Working Page.

Investing in Gynene

The city of Northern Cyprus is one of the best areas to invest in Northern Cyprus because of its geographical location and economic and tourism potential. The real estate market in this city is booming, and the purchase of property in the city can be a long -term investment. Many tourists traveling to the city are looking to buy property for permanent residence or short -term rent.

Another service of the Zendian Investment Company is Northern Cyprus. These services are provided by our skilled experts and you can get a free buying advice by visiting the property purchase page in Northern Cyprus.

The benefits of investing in the Northern Cyprus.

1. Sustainable growth of the real estate market: Due to the increase in the number of tourists and the tourism industry boom, the price of real estate is rising.

2. Strategic Position: Due to its geographical location, it has easy access to different regions of Cyprus as well as European countries.

3. Welfare and Recreational Facilities: The many luxury hotels, international restaurants, shopping malls and casinos have made Gynene a fascinating destination for life and investment.

4. Educational Space: The existence of reputable universities in this area, attracting international students and creating a variety of job opportunities, are other benefits of investing in Green.

Recognize the best cities of Northern Cyprus

For people who do not have much information about the best cities and areas of Cyprus, it is very useful to use the experiences of others. In fact, those who have migrated to this country can make immigration and residence conditions easier for individuals by introducing the best cities of Northern Cyprus for life. It is good to know, however, that Northern Cyprus has been able to expand many of its cities in a 10 or 15 -year return time and has used many facilities.

The city of Grenna is one of those cities that may not have much good services in the past, but today, due to the essential facilities, the establishment of essential stores and construction of city roads, etc. And tourists have become.

Applying medical facilities in Gyrene City

As we said, in the past, many cities in Northern Cyprus had no opportunities to live. In this way, people had to go for kilometers for ordinary purchases, so if a person was sick, he would have to endure many troubles to get to the hospital. In addition, at that time, Cyprus hospitals had no special services.

But today, given the importance of developing cities, the Northern Cyprus government has built a very good private clinics. In the city of Gyrene, there are special norms that people can refer to these clinics if they have a physician or need. Although the cost of this clinic and medicines is very expensive, people can receive many of their treatment costs using insurance services and life accidents in Northern Cyprus.


The benefits of investing in the Northern Cyprus.

The benefits of investing in the Northern Cyprus.


The city of Northern Cyprus is one of the most prominent tourism and economic destinations in Northern Cyprus with a unique combination of natural beauty, rich history, modern facilities and investment opportunities. Visiting historic castles, enjoying the beautiful beaches, using luxury hotels and casino games experience are just some of the experiences in the city. Given the sustainable growth of the real estate market and the existing economic opportunities, investing in the agent can be very profitable. So if you are looking for a different and attractive destination for traveling or investing in Northern Cyprus, you can be an ideal choice.