Comparing the advantages and disadvantages of investing in North Cyprus with other countries in the region

Comparing the advantages and disadvantages of investing in North Cyprus with other countries in the region

North Cyprus, a small and attractive country in the northeast of the Mediterranean Sea, has emerged as an emerging investment destination in recent years. The country has attracted the attention of investors from all over the world by offering numerous benefits including tax exemptions, low cost of living, and access to EU markets.

However, every investment comes with its own risks, and North Cyprus is no exception. Northern Cyprus, officially known as the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, comprises the northern part of the island of Cyprus and is recognized only by Turkey. This region is an attractive tourist destination due to its pristine nature, beautiful beaches and rich history. With its Turkish and Mediterranean culture, Northern Cyprus offers a unique blend of tradition and modernity.

Although the political and legal situation of this region is complex, due to the relatively lower real estate costs and the high potential for economic growth, investing in North Cyprus can provide many opportunities for investors.

However, the uncertain political and legal situation and some infrastructural challenges can also bring certain risks. In this article, we will comprehensively review the pros and cons of investing in North Cyprus compared to other countries in the region to help you decide.

Comparing the advantages and disadvantages of investing in North Cyprus with other countries in the region

Comparing the advantages and disadvantages of investing in North Cyprus with other countries in the region

Advantages of investing in North Cyprus

Tax exemptions

One of the most important advantages of investing in North Cyprus is its significant tax exemptions. The country has a low corporate tax rate, which makes it an attractive place to invest in business. For example, the corporate tax rate for companies with a turnover of less than €200,000 per year is only 10%. These favorable tax conditions can significantly reduce the overall investment costs and increase the attractiveness of the investment.

Low cost of living

The cost of living in Northern Cyprus is significantly lower than in many European countries. For example, the cost of renting a two-bedroom apartment in the city center of Nicosia, the capital of Northern Cyprus, is about 500 euros per month. These low living costs can help reduce the operating costs of companies and increase their profitability. Also, it can help attract foreign labor, because the low cost of living can increase the attractiveness of the country to immigrate and work there.

Access to EU markets

Although Northern Cyprus is not a member of the European Union, it has close trade relations with the bloc. This allows investors to easily access EU markets and export their products and services to 450 million people. This access can significantly increase business opportunities and investment growth, allowing companies to take advantage of the large European market.

Travel and accommodation

Northern Cyprus offers easy entry visas for nationals of many countries. This facility facilitates the entry, immigration and settlement process of investors and their families. Also, foreign investors can obtain permanent residence in this country by purchasing a property worth at least 200,000 euros. These immigration policies can facilitate the migration of investors and increase the attractiveness of North Cyprus as an investment destination.

Pleasant weather

Northern Cyprus has a Mediterranean climate with hot and dry summers and mild and rainy winters. This climate is ideal for tourism and agriculture and can help attract investment in these sectors. In particular, the tourism industry can take advantage of these weather conditions and provide profitable opportunities for investors.

Developing infrastructure

The government of Northern Cyprus is investing significantly in the country’s infrastructure, including roads, ports and airports. These measures can help improve business conditions and increase investment attraction. Improving infrastructure can help the country’s economic prosperity and create new opportunities for investors.

Reasonable property price

The cost of buying real estate in Northern Cyprus is significantly lower than in the southern part of Cyprus and many European countries. This provides a good opportunity for investors, especially those with limited budgets.

Growth potential

Northern Cyprus has a high potential for capital growth due to its underdevelopment compared to other sectors. With increased tourism and economic development, real estate values ​​may increase significantly.

Natural and cultural attractions

The pristine nature, beautiful beaches and rich history of Northern Cyprus make it an attractive destination for tourists. This feature can increase the demand for renting and buying real estate.


Also, another service provided by Zahoorian Investment Company is investment services in North Cyprus. You can get free advice about investing in North Cyprus by visiting the investment services page of Zahoorian Investment Company!

Advantages of investing in North Cyprus

Advantages of investing in North Cyprus

Disadvantages of investing in North Cyprus

Lack of international recognition

One of the biggest challenges of investing in North Cyprus is its lack of international recognition. The country is not recognized by the majority of the international community, which could negatively affect its political and economic stability and make investors wary. This situation can create barriers to international trade and access to global markets.

Small economy

The economy of Northern Cyprus is small and relatively underdeveloped. These conditions can limit investment opportunities and make it more difficult to find business partners and skilled workers. Additionally, domestic market constraints may affect firms’ ability to grow and develop.


Corruption in Northern Cyprus is a serious problem that can negatively affect the rule of law and the ease of doing business. This can lead to increased informal costs and reduced transparency in business transactions, which may be challenging for investors.

Political conflicts

Northern Cyprus has been divided into two parts since 1974, when Turkey occupied the north of the island. This political conflict remains unresolved and could be a source of instability. This situation can affect the security of investments and increase political risks.

Weakness in English

Although many people in Northern Cyprus speak English, it is not widely spoken in all areas of the country. This can be challenging for foreign investors looking to do business in the country and increase the need for translators and intermediaries.

Disadvantages of investing in North Cyprus

Disadvantages of investing in North Cyprus

Comparison with other countries in the region

Economic growth and investment opportunities

Compared to other countries in the region, Northern Cyprus may be smaller in terms of economy and population, but this can also be seen as an advantage. Pristine opportunities for investment and favorable tax conditions are among the factors that make North Cyprus an attractive destination for investors. For example, Turkey and Greece both have larger and more developed economies, but Northern Cyprus’ tax breaks could be more attractive to investors.

high security

Northern Cyprus is known as one of the five safest countries in the world. This high security can attract investors and provide more certainty about the stability of the investment. In comparison, some countries in the region may face more security problems, which can negatively affect the attractiveness of investing in them.


Comparison of Northern Cyprus with the countries of the Eastern Mediterranean region:

Criterion Northern Cyprus Türkiye Lebanon Israel
Tax exemptions Top medium medium Top
life expenses Down medium Top Top
Access to markets Limited (not EU) medium limited medium
Ease of doing business medium medium medium Top
Quality of Life Top medium medium Top
Political stability medium medium Down Top
Economic risk Top medium Top medium
Infrastructures Developing Good medium Good
corruption Top Top Top medium
Language Turkish, English (not widely spoken) Turkish, English Arabic, French, English Hebrew, English

Zahorian Investment Company is a reliable partner for investment in North Cyprus

Offering attractive investment opportunities and benefits such as tax exemptions, low living costs and access to EU markets, Northern Cyprus can be a suitable destination for investors. However, investors should be aware of the risks associated with lack of international recognition, small economy, corruption and political conflicts.

The final decision to invest in North Cyprus should be made according to the specific goals and conditions of each investor. A careful evaluation of the pros and cons and consultation with experts can help make an informed decision. In addition, investors should pay attention to their investment goals, risk tolerance, and experience and expertise so that they can make the best decision for their investment.

Finally, if you are looking to invest in North Cyprus, you can refer to the article Investing in North Cyprus 2024 published in Zahorian Investment Company and get more information about investing in this country!

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