History and introduction to Northern Cyprus culture local events and festivals

History and introduction to Northern Cyprus culture: local events and festivals

The people of Northern Cyprus highly value their cultural heritage, which is more than nine thousand years old. On special occasions and ceremonies, it is the best way to observe the traditions and customs of a culture. From music to dance culture, Northern Cyprus remains true to its traditional roots in the modern world. North Cyprus, on the other hand, is full of historical sites, sandy beaches and beautiful scenery, but this peaceful and beautiful country has much more to it that attracts everyone.

The culture of Northern Cyprus is very rich and diverse, with strong influences from Turkey and the Mediterranean countries. Among all the delights of Northern Cyprus, the cultural differences are also notable. The people of Northern Cyprus are very friendly. Their language is Turkish, but they are also fluent in Cypriot. Many of their customs are a mix of different cultures that have influenced the island over the centuries.

Although Cypriots are Muslim, religion is important to them and they do not necessarily need to attend a holy place regularly. They say: “My religion is in my heart.” When meeting someone, it is common to shake hands, smile and look them in the eye, and then say goodbye to each guest individually.

Festivals are a unique opportunity to experience the local culture in its depth. Native dances present a vivid picture of people’s daily life, with girls displaying their skills more relaxed than boys. Blue eye (nazar boncuk), seen on doors, clothes, cars and jewelry, is used to ward off evil eyes and evil spirits.

History and introduction to Northern Cyprus culture: local events and festivals

History and introduction to Northern Cyprus culture: local events and festivals

Family life of Northern Cyprus culture

Family life is very important for the people of this area and it is known as the culture of Northern Cyprus, so they spend most of their free time with their family, in picnics, barbecues and parties. The Turkish Cypriot family structure is a structure that includes three generations of people with emotional closeness. The influence of family on people cannot be described. Despite the extensive social changes on the island in recent times, the traditional family structure in Cyprus has been preserved.

Cypriot families face the dominance of men and this is normal for them. Men are expected to pay for the family, while women are responsible for housekeeping and child care. If men help with housework, it is considered a bonus. Religious holidays are another important family event. Family members from near and far gather together to eat and laugh together. One of the services provided by Zahoorian Investment Company is investment services in North Cyprus. By visiting the investment services page of Zahoorian Investment Company, you can get free advice about investing in North Cyprus!


Weddings are big and very important family occasions in North Cypriot culture. Close relatives, including aunts, uncles, and cousins, are involved in the wedding ceremony to ensure that the bride and groom experience the best day of their lives. Large families usually provide a furnished residence for the young couple to live in. The house or apartment is usually bought by the groom’s family, who also provide the interior decoration, furniture and electrical appliances. This tradition in Cyprus allows a young couple to enter into a joint life without major worries.

Parents visit their children’s homes regularly and usually continue to provide financial and emotional support. In the society of Northern Cyprus, the family plays a very important role. For a marriage to be successful, family approval is usually required.

Social relations and culture of Northern Cyprus

Social relations and culture of Northern Cyprus

Social relations and culture of Northern Cyprus

North Cypriots are very social and love to go out and spend time outside, and this is one of the main characteristics of North Cypriot culture. All cities have local cafes where people sit and chat in a friendly and warm atmosphere. They also hold several festivals in early summer. North Cyprus also hosts many legends and this city is the birthplace of the goddess of love and the home of many heroes and saints.

One of the outstanding characteristics of Turkish Cypriots is their hospitality. In the past, hospitality was related to the social status and age of the guests. Usually, hosting guests started with serving coffee or special syrups such as honey, rose water and carob. Also, serving fruit paste among the guests was very important.

Carnival is one of the most famous festivals in North Cyprus culture, and exhibitions, concerts, theater and folklore festivals are held throughout the year. Despite the current situation, Cyprus is full of reminders of the island’s history. Many villages specialize in a particular craft and while traveling in Northern Cyprus you will see pottery, silver and copperware, basket weaving, tapestry and lace known as Lefkara.

Dating back to Venetian times, Lefcara lace is made for table and bed coverings and other uses. Also, festivals are a good opportunity to experience the local cuisine of Northern Cyprus. A combination of Mediterranean, Turkish and Middle Eastern cuisines and snacks will create a new meaning for you.

Since the establishment of North Cyprus traditional dance by local people, municipalities and states, the dance has been performed as a symbol of North Cyprus culture, identity and national history. The folk dance of North Cyprus not only shows the diverse history and origins of the islanders over the past millennium, but also includes the dance of grown men with swords and scythes.

Festivals in Northern Cyprus have become very popular in recent years and usually feature a variety of cultural exhibitions. Most of the cultural events in North Cyprus are held in historical places such as Kyrenia Castle, Othello Tower, Bellapais Monastery and Salamis Theater. Music in Northern Cyprus From classical concerts in the ruins of Bellapais Abbey to jazz in the Venetian harbor of Kyrenia or cutting-edge dance music on Moonlight Beach, music is as popular in the country as dance culture.

Nowruz celebration in Northern Cyprus

Nowruz celebration in Northern Cyprus

Norouz ceremony

Nowruz is one of the prominent and beloved ceremonies in the culture of North Cyprus and all over the world. This celebration is held at the end of March or the beginning of April and at the beginning of spring. In this ceremony, people enter the new year by wearing traditional clothes such as Amo Nowruz and Haji Firouz and decorating their houses with Haft Sin. In addition, people gather together on these days and cook traditional local food and hold religious ceremonies. This celebration is held at the best time of the year and in the best weather conditions of North Cyprus, which is the best opportunity to travel to North Cyprus.

Finally, if you are looking for investment in North Cyprus, you can refer to the investment in North Cyprus 2024 article published in Zahorian Investment Company and get more information about investment in this country!

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