Types of student insurance in North Cyprus

Types of student insurance in North Cyprus

Studying in North Cyprus, a beautiful country on the Mediterranean Sea, comes with many advantages, including low living and education costs, high quality education and cultural diversity. However, as with any foreign trip, it is important to anticipate and prepare for the unexpected. For this reason, the types of student insurance in North Cyprus and their implementation are very important.

Student insurance in North Cyprus can help you in this regard. Student insurance not only helps you in financial emergencies but also provides you security and peace of mind. In this article, we examine the types of student insurance in North Cyprus, the benefits of each type, important points when choosing insurance and provider, and introducing some reputable insurance companies in this country.

Types of student insurance in North Cyprus

Types of student insurance in North Cyprus

Ideal conditions for Cypriot students

Until now, we have talked many times about the ideal conditions of North Cyprus for students and its international universities. In fact, today most people are aware of the education conditions of people in this country. Providing various types of student insurance in North Cyprus is one of these very correct and principled services that take care of students’ lives against any natural or unnatural events.

Types of student insurance

In general, there are a few main types of insurance for international students in Northern Cyprus. Of course, these two insurances have very good coverage and can cover any natural or unnatural accident. For this reason, Cypriot universities place a lot of emphasis on obtaining various types of student insurance in North Cyprus. In the following, we explain these types of insurance:


This type of insurance covers the costs of medical examinations, hospitalization, medicine and other medical services. Having health insurance is mandatory for all international students in North Cyprus and this insurance gives you access to quality health care services. On the other hand, it eases students’ worries about anything. In simple words, students no longer need to worry about their treatment costs, they can use their health insurance in case of the smallest illness.

accident insurance

This type of insurance covers expenses related to injuries caused by accidents, such as broken bones, injuries, and death. Accident insurance can protect you from high medical expenses as well as financial problems caused by unforeseen accidents. That is, if something unexpected happens in unpredictable circumstances, students should not have to worry about their expenses, because all these expenses will be paid by the insurance.

In addition to these two main types, there are other types of insurance that may be useful for students, including:

travel insurance

This type of insurance covers expenses related to trip cancellation, loss of passport or luggage, flight delays, and other travel problems. Travel insurance is very useful for students who frequently travel to their home country or other destinations. With travel insurance, you can travel more safely and have financial support in case of an emergency. This type of insurance is very useful for people who do not have permanent residence and have to return to their country every few months and renew their visa.

Property insurance

This type of insurance covers your personal belongings such as laptops, mobile phones and clothes against theft, damage or fire. Property insurance can protect you against financial losses caused by loss or damage to your personal belongings. In simple words, even if there is a technical defect in the students’ equipment, the insurance will pay all the costs related to its repair.

Civil liability insurance

Liability insurance protects you against financial or life damages that you may cause to others. This insurance is very useful when you accidentally injure others or damage their property. Civil liability insurance can protect you against legal claims and the resulting costs. Of course, it should be noted that the determination of whether your harm to others was intentional or unintentional is determined by the court.

A very important point is that if the damage is confirmed to be intentional, the insurance will not pay any amount to compensate the person. Rather, the person who caused the damage must pay the costs of compensation.

Types of student insurance in North Cyprus

Types of student insurance in North Cyprus

Benefits of having student insurance

Having a student insurance in North Cyprus has many advantages, which is why the government of this country emphasizes getting various types of student insurance in North Cyprus. Among the most obvious advantages of having student insurance, the following can be mentioned:

Providing quality healthcare

With insurance, you can access the best hospitals and clinics in North Cyprus and benefit from quality medical services. This insurance allows you to access medical services on time without worrying about high costs.

Reducing treatment costs

Medical costs in North Cyprus can be high. Having insurance can help you pay these costs and prevent financial problems. Health insurance and accident insurance can cover the costs of medical examinations, medications, hospitalization and surgeries.

Coverage in case of emergency

If you suffer an accident or illness while studying in Northern Cyprus, the insurance can cover the costs of treatment, repatriation or other emergencies. This coverage can give you peace of mind that you are covered and you will get the support you need in case of a problem.

peace of mind

Having insurance gives you the peace of mind that if something goes wrong, you are covered and you will get the support you need. This peace of mind allows you to focus more on your studies and activities without worrying.

Also, if you are looking for more information to invest in North Cyprus, you can refer to the article Investing in North Cyprus 2024 published in Zahorian Investment Company and get more information about investing in this country!

Important points when choosing insurance

When choosing student insurance in North Cyprus, consider the following points

1. Insurance coverage: Make sure your insurance covers all your needs, including medical examinations, hospitalization, medication, accidents, and repatriation. Check if the insurance you choose includes additional services such as coverage for certain sports or certain medical conditions.

2. Deductible Amount: Deductible is a portion of the costs that must be paid by you before the insurance starts paying. Choose an insurance policy that has a low deductible.

Also, check the amount you pay for each visit to the doctor or receive medical services.

3. Credit of the insurance company: Before buying insurance, make sure of the credit and history of the insurance company. Check that the insurance company has the necessary licenses and is committed to providing quality services. The opinions and experiences of other students and customers can also help you in choosing.

4. Price: Compare the prices of different insurances and choose the one that fits your budget. Note that the cheapest insurance is not always the best choice and a balance must be established between price and insurance coverage.

5. Support Services: Check what kind of support services the insurance company provides. Access to 24-hour support services and the ability to contact the insurance company in an emergency are very important. Make sure the insurance company has a responsive and efficient support team.

Introducing some reputable insurance companies in North Cyprus

Güne Sigorta

One of the largest insurance companies in North Cyprus offering a wide range of student insurance policies. With a lot of experience and credibility, this company is considered a safe option for international students.

Sigortacılık AŞ

This company offers affordable student insurance and strives to meet the diverse needs of students with a variety of affordable coverage.

Doğa Sigorta

This company provides student insurance with different coverages and various services. Doğa Sigorta is one of the good options for international students in Northern Cyprus, offering flexible insurance policies tailored to students’ needs.

Gür Sigorta

This company offers student insurance with 24-hour service. The 24-hour support service of this company helps students to easily communicate with the insurance company and benefit from the necessary services whenever they need help.

Introducing some reputable insurance companies in North Cyprus

Introducing some reputable insurance companies in North Cyprus

Choosing the right insurance company

Choosing the right insurance company is very important. Because many insurance companies, considering the importance and value of these services for the government and people, do not have much advantage for individuals. Here are some factors to consider:

History and reputation of the insurance company

Check the history and credibility of the insurance company in providing insurance services to students. Make sure the insurance company has the necessary licenses and experience in serving international students. The opinions and experiences of other customers and students can help you in this field.

Covers provided

Carefully compare the different coverages each insurance company offers. Make sure that the insurance policy you choose covers all your needs and includes the additional services you need. You can even choose insurance according to its coverage if needed.


Ask the price of different insurances from several companies and choose an insurance that matches your budget. Note that choosing insurance is not only based on the right price, and you should also pay attention to the quality of coverage and services provided. But you can choose and buy the most suitable type of insurance according to your budget by knowing the prices of each type of insurance and consulting with insurance offices.

Important points about submitting an insurance application

To apply for insurance, you usually need to complete an application form and provide required documents such as a passport, visa, and university acceptance letter. Before applying for insurance, inform the insurance company of your medical history and provide all the information accurately and honestly to the insurance company. After checking and registering the information, your insurer will do other things and after the final registration on the insurance site, you can use the insurance services whenever you want.

Cost of student insurance in Northern Cyprus

The cost of student insurance in North Cyprus varies depending on the type of insurance, insurance company, selected coverages, and your age and nationality. In general, you can expect to pay between €100 and €500 per year for student insurance.Finally, if you are looking for more information about investing in North Cyprus, you can refer to the article Investing in North Cyprus 2024 published in Zahoorian Investment Company and get more information about investing in this country!

Ways to reduce the cost of insurance

  • Select minimum coverages.
  • Choose a higher deductible.
  • Get quotes from different insurance companies.
  • Take advantage of discounts offered by some insurance companies, such as group discounts or premium student discounts.


Having student insurance in North Cyprus is a smart investment that can protect you from unexpected expenses and give you peace of mind. By choosing the right insurance and a reliable insurance company, you can confidently continue your studies in North Cyprus. For this reason, we have tried to inform people and students living in this country by providing various types of student insurance in North Cyprus. These insurances not only help you have financial support in case of emergency, but also allow you to fully focus on your studies and enjoy the experience of living in a foreign country.

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