About investing in Northern Cyprus

About investing in Northern Cyprus

Northern Cyprus, a country with beautiful nature, rich history and unique culture, has become an attractive destination for investors from all over the world, especially Iranians, in recent years. In addition, since there are very good investment conditions in this country, many investors have been attracted to North Cyprus.

Favorable investment conditions, tax exemptions, low cost of living and high potential for economic growth are among the factors that have made North Cyprus an ideal option for investors. In addition to the very good conditions that are provided for living in this country, it leads many to live in North Cyprus.

Investment in Northern Cyprus

Investment in Northern Cyprus

Investment conditions in Northern Cyprus

Northern Cyprus has enacted several incentive laws and regulations to attract foreign investment. Some of the most important investment conditions in this country are:

  • Company registration: By registering a company in North Cyprus, investors can benefit from various benefits, including tax exemptions, the possibility of obtaining residence and access to the European Union markets.
  • Buying property: Buying property in North Cyprus is one of the most popular investment methods in this country. By purchasing property in North Cyprus, investors can benefit from benefits such as obtaining residency, earning rental income and increasing the value of the property over time.
  • Investing in shares: Investing in the shares of North Cyprus companies is another way to invest in this country. This method can be highly profitable, but it is also associated with more risk.

Also, one of the services of Zahourian Investment Company is investment services in North Cyprus, and if you are looking for investment in North Cyprus, the investment company will undoubtedly be an attractive choice for you! You can get more information about these services by visiting our investment services page!

Investment methods in North Cyprus

There are different ways to invest in North Cyprus, below are two of the most important ones:

Investing in Northern Cyprus by registering a company

Registering a company in Northern Cyprus has several advantages for investors, including:

  • Tax exemptions: The government of Northern Cyprus offers several tax exemptions for companies registered in the country. These exemptions include corporate income tax exemption, dividend tax exemption and value added tax exemption.
  • The possibility of obtaining residency: Investors can obtain residency in this country for themselves and their families by registering a company in Northern Cyprus and hiring a number of Cypriot employees.
  • Access to EU markets: Northern Cyprus is not a member of the European Union, but companies registered in the country can enjoy the benefits of free trade with other EU member states.
Investment methods in North Cyprus

Investment methods in North Cyprus

Investing in North Cyprus by buying property

Buying property in North Cyprus is a popular way to invest in the country. The advantages of buying property in North Cyprus are:

  • Obtaining residency: Foreign investors can obtain residency for themselves and their families by purchasing a property worth at least 250,000 euros in North Cyprus.
  • Earning rental income: Investors can rent out their property in North Cyprus and earn money in this way.
  • Increase in property values: Due to the ever-growing demand for property in North Cyprus, property values ​​in this country are expected to increase in the coming years.

Another service of Zahoorian Investment Company is property purchase service in North Cyprus. These services are performed by our skilled experts and you can get free property purchase advice by visiting our North Cyprus property purchase service page.

Advantages of investing in North Cyprus

Investing in North Cyprus has several advantages, some of which are mentioned below:

Unemployment rate and inflation

The unemployment rate in Northern Cyprus is low and the inflation rate is relatively stable. This shows the economic stability of this country and suitable conditions for investment. Also, if you are looking for information about working conditions in North Cyprus, you can visit our North Cyprus working conditions page.

Economic and social conditions

Northern Cyprus is an economically developing country, but it has great potential for growth. The country has a suitable infrastructure, an educated workforce and a stable political system.

Geographical conditions

Northern Cyprus has a convenient geographical location and can be easily reached by air and sea. This country is located in Türkiye’s neighborhood and is connected to this country through direct and regular flights. Also, Northern Cyprus has many ports that allow the transportation of goods to other countries in the region.

The climate of Northern Cyprus is Mediterranean and has hot and dry summers and mild and wet winters. This climate is suitable for agriculture, tourism and other economic activities.

Permanent residence in Northern Cyprus

Foreign investors can obtain permanent residence in North Cyprus by various methods, including buying property, registering a company, or investing in bonds. The advantages of permanent residence in Northern Cyprus are:

  • Possibility to live, work and study in North Cyprus
  • Enjoying the benefits of social services such as health insurance and pension
  • Ability to travel freely to other EU countries
  • Exemption from inheritance tax

getting a loan

Foreign investors can borrow from Northern Cyprus banks to finance their investment in the country. The interest rates of loans in North Cyprus are relatively low and their repayment terms are also suitable.

Disadvantages of investing in North Cyprus

Along with numerous advantages, investing in North Cyprus also has disadvantages that should be considered before investing in this country. Some of the most important disadvantages of investing in North Cyprus are:

The population of Northern Cyprus

The population of Northern Cyprus is relatively small and this can be a challenge for some investors looking for larger markets.

Language in Northern Cyprus

The official language of Northern Cyprus is Turkish, which can be difficult for foreign investors to learn. However, English is also widely spoken in the country and there is no problem communicating with the locals.

Lack of industrial jobs in Northern Cyprus

The economy of Northern Cyprus is mainly based on agriculture and tourism, and there is a lack of industrial jobs in the country. This can be a challenge for some investors looking to invest in the industry sector.

Advantages of investing in North Cyprus

Advantages of investing in North Cyprus

Compare the pros and cons of investing in Cyprus


  • Tax exemptions
  • Low cost of living
  • High potential for economic growth
  • Good geographical location
  • The possibility of obtaining permanent residence
  • Stable political conditions


  • low population
  • Language
  • Lack of industrial jobs

Obtaining residence by investment in North Cyprus

As previously mentioned, foreign investors can obtain permanent residence in North Cyprus through various methods, including purchasing property, registering a company, or investing in bonds. To obtain a permanent residence in Northern Cyprus, investors must meet certain conditions, including:

Investment of at least 250,000 euros in the property
Registering a company in North Cyprus and hiring a number of Cypriot employees
Investment of at least €500,000 in government bonds

Note: The conditions for obtaining a permanent residence in North Cyprus may change over time, so before investing in this country, you should find out about the latest rules and regulations related to residence.


North Cyprus has become a suitable option for foreign investors, especially Iranians, by offering numerous benefits including tax exemptions, low living costs, high potential for economic growth and the possibility of obtaining permanent residence. However, before investing in this country, investors should also consider its disadvantages and invest by carefully examining the conditions and conducting the necessary research.