Disadvantages of Life in Northern Cyprus

Disadvantages of Life in Northern Cyprus

Life in every country has many ups and downs. Sometimes these ups and downs are such that individuals are thinking of immigration and living in another country. But migrating is not easy to name, in fact everyone is looking for a better environment for life to achieve their dream life. But since living conditions are not the same in any country, sometimes people face new disadvantages and injuries. Northern Cyprus is one of those countries that has migrated to a large number of people in recent years, but it is not bad to know about the disadvantages of living in Northern Cyprus.

Regarding the living conditions of a country such as North Cyprus, or any other country, it is not possible to say that the benefits or disadvantages are 100 %, but staying in a country such as Cyprus and making such big changes in life requires effective information on the disadvantages of living in Northern Cyprus. That is why we intend to get acquainted with all the dimensions and disadvantages of North Cyprus.


Disadvantages of Life in Northern Cyprus

Disadvantages of Life in Northern Cyprus

Northern Cyprus, an island in the heart of the Mediterranean

Northern Cyprus has long been divided into two separate islands, Northern Cyprus and South Cyprus. Northern Cyprus has a direct relationship with Turkey. So it has received the most impact from this country. For example, most common costs in the country are paid by Turkish lira. Of course, Turkey’s impact on Northern Cyprus cannot be limited to its economy, but culture, food and many other things inspired by Turkey in Northern Cyprus.

Due to the growth and development of Northern Cyprus, many people in Iran, Turkey and other neighboring countries are thinking of migrating to Northern Cyprus. Certainly the first thing that matters in the immigration process is the lifestyle and the economic situation. For this reason, individuals must have complete information about the economic situation and life in Northern Cyprus. It doesn’t matter if this information is negative or positive, any aspect of this information is very important in the immigration process. In fact, the disadvantages of living in Northern Cyprus can change the views of individuals for migration.

Disadvantages of Life in Northern Cyprus

No matter how the benefits and benefits of living in Northern Cyprus, we cannot go through its negative aspects. Northern Cyprus is growing, but it has many problems to consider. In fact, the disadvantages of Northern Cyprus life are among the issues that have a direct impact on decision -making for immigration or non -migration to the country. So we will mention the following disadvantages in the following section:

Language problems and obstacles

The first thing that can be described as the disadvantages of life in Northern Cyprus is language barriers and problems. As we said, Northern Cyprus has had the most impact from Turkey. That is why many people in this country speak Turkish. On the other hand, many immigrants do not master Turkish and speak English or German.

This has caused the people’s minority to have the same language. On the other hand, people who have recently migrated to the country have to learn each of these languages. Of course, people can be better at learning the language and how to speak to the people of this country.

Non -diversity of goods and products

Northern Cyprus is a very small island with a small population. That’s why it only has small or relatively small shops or stores that sell routine products and products. So if one travels to this country, one cannot expect different and reputable brands and dealers. It can only buy and use routine products and products needed everyday. So the lack of diversity of goods and products is another disadvantage of life in Northern Cyprus.


The problems of Northern Cyprus's life

The problems of Northern Cyprus’s life

Limited student job opportunities

One of the disadvantages of living in Northern Cyprus, which may have been less concerned with, is limited job opportunities for students. In fact, there are some limited jobs in this country where students can only work in the same field. Therefore, it is recommended that no one can migrate to this country without capital. You can also read the article on working conditions in Northern Cyprus to learn about work conditions and job opportunities.

High risk of migration

There is a lot of impact on having a successful immigration experience. Although there are many ways to migrate to Northern Cyprus, which of these practices is accepted by the Northern Cyprus government is very important. In recent years, most of the admission to immigration has been related to the investment method in Northern Cyprus.

To this end, people can obtain a residence in Northern Cyprus by investing in financial markets, purchasing property and creating various businesses. This method of migration is more acceptable than other immigration methods because it can have a positive impact on the North Cyprus economy.

High cost of buying home

For people who don’t have much money to buy a home, easy access to the home is one of the disadvantages of living in Northern Cyprus. In fact, buying a home in Northern Cyprus is another problem of immigration. It has a variety of areas, many of which have been well -developed, and many still do not have the least living opportunities. Those areas with good living conditions need to cost more to buy property in Northern Cyprus. Of course, people can pay less by renting a home.

However, buying a single bedroom, two bedrooms, suites and even villas is high. In fact, people have to pay a high cost to live in the best cities of Cyprus.

Failure to carry appropriate roads and roads

Lack of proper roads and good transportation are other disadvantages of living in Northern Cyprus. In fact, many Northern Cyprus roads are still unnecessary, and individuals must cross other routes to reach their destination. They also need a lot of walks to rent a taxi and use the BRT.

Cultural restrictions

The most cultural disadvantages of living in Northern Cyprus are Northern Cyprus culture inspired by Northern Cyprus. This, of course, is that Northern Cyprus has been dominated by Turkey for many years, and even many of the northern Cyprus governments do not accept it as an independent country. This has led North Cyprus to have no special culture, or at least its culture has been forgotten. Everything in the culture, beliefs and beliefs of the people of this country is inspired by Turkey.

High medical costs

If you get sick in Northern Cyprus or need to go to the clinic and hospital, you should definitely go to private clinics. Because public hospitals in the country do not have enough services and medicines. In fact, one of the biggest disadvantages of living in Northern Cyprus is the lack of medical services. These hospitals may be helped to get colds and simple illnesses, but for other problems and illnesses you should definitely go to private clinics.

On the other hand, the cost of treatment in these private clinics or the purchase of medication is very expensive. That is why it can be said that medical costs in Northern Cyprus are very high. Of course, people can offset some of these costs with insurance. You can read the article on insurance and life accidents in Northern Cyprus for more information on how to insure and cover it.

Northern Cyprus deficiencies

Northern Cyprus deficiencies

Political uncertainty

As we said, Northern Cyprus has been dominated by Turkey for years. Many of the laws and conditions in Cyprus were carried out by the decisions of the Turkish government and the government. Even now, after years, it can still see its effects on Cyprus. Therefore, one cannot expect North Cyprus to have a definite policy. Some sociologists and the people of the country believe that in the future many of the laws of Northern Cyprus may be determined by the decisions of the Turkish government. This is the most political point in the disadvantages of life in Northern Cyprus.

Use the most correct tips

You must consult with credible individuals or companies for proper information on the conditions of immigration to Northern Cyprus and the disadvantages of living in this country. Because the use of any wrong guidance or conversation that is based solely on personal judgments is the possibility of losing capital and the lives of individuals. What happens at the company is that they give you the best advice using the most correct information. With this account, you can decide on immigration or non -immigration to this country with full awareness of the disadvantages of living in Northern Cyprus.


Life today is such that it puts many problems and obstacles. For this reason, people are always struggling and searching for better living conditions, although in many cases they have much bigger problems. Now, in such a situation, if one is looking for better living conditions, he must make big and important decisions. If you intend to live a better life, Northern Cyprus is the land that can fulfill the dream of a better life, but you must consider the disadvantages of living in Northern Cyprus and its obstacles. So by gaining the right and reliable information, decide to stay in this rise and downstream country.


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