The cost of student life in Northern Cyprus

The cost of student life in Northern Cyprus

Northern Cyprus is in the heart of the Mediterranean Island, which is very attractive. In addition to natural and historical attractions, the creation of very good economic and educational conditions has led many people to migrate to life and study. But one of the most important points and dimensions of life in Northern Cyprus is the cost of living, or the cost of living in Northern Cyprus.

However, a student is less expensive because he lives alone. However, determining the cost of living in Northern Cyprus and its important factors is something that is very important for people who intend to migrate or study in the country. The cost of student living in Northern Cyprus is the most important concern for student immigrants, so we intend to discuss how these costs are.

The cost of student life in Northern Cyprus

The cost of student life in Northern Cyprus

Northern Cyprus, a land for the dream of students

In recent years, the Cyprus government has improved its facilities and services to provide better conditions for the lives of its citizens. In addition, paying attention to the educational conditions and the launch of international universities is one of the most important points that has made it one of the most popular countries for students.

In fact, the conditions and standards of teaching and education in this country are strongly close to world standards. For this reason, most students prefer to study in Cyprus universities by obtaining a study visa in the country. Of course, they should not overlook important issues such as the cost of living in Northern Cyprus.

Obtaining a study visa in Northern Cyprus

Before we talk about the cost of living in Northern Cyprus, we need to understand how to get a study visa. There are two ways to study in Northern Cyprus universities. The first way is to apply for admission to Cyprus universities. In this way, individuals must submit all identity documents, scores, the latest scores at the university or schools, and other documents, along with a written request for university admission. The Embassy then submit a response by reviewing the documents.

But the second method is slightly different. In fact, in this way people only submit their documents as a volunteer for scholarship. The Embassy and the University of Cyprus then submit a scholarship form to individuals by observing the person’s qualifications (if they have excellent scores and grade).

The cost of student life in Northern Cyprus

Those who migrate to Cyprus at their own expense must pay more. Of course, all of the following should be considered as a student living in Northern Cyprus. Here are some of the main costs of living in North Cyprus:

University tuition fee

The main cost of student life in Northern Cyprus, which students are required to pay, are the university tuition. Of course, there are many factors in determining the cost of university tuition. The first factor in the field of study is. For example, the cost that individuals pay for the medical disciplines is higher than that of science. Another factor is the university type. If a person studys at Northern Cypriot universities, he or she will have to pay more. As if studying at public or international universities, it will pay about 50 to 70 percent less tuition.

Place of residence

Another of the cost of student living in Northern Cyprus is renting, purchasing property or hostel rental. In fact, a student has to pay for his or her residence monthly or annually. The cost of private dormitories in Northern Cyprus varies 2200 to 5580. Also, if one comes to Northern Cyprus using scholarships, they can pay much for renting a good price.

The best conditions are for someone to have a personal home in Northern Cyprus. In fact, buying a property in Northern Cyprus and in the universities of the country eliminates much of the student expenses in Northern Cyprus.


The cost of student life in Northern Cyprus

The cost of student life in Northern Cyprus

Commuting costs

One of the interesting measures that the government of Northern Cyprus and its universities have taken for students and reduced the cost of student life in Northern Cyprus is providing free tickets for students. This way, students can use buses traveling on university and dormitory for free. Of course, the cost of the public bus ticket is one euro.

On the other hand, Cyprus’s bus situation has not yet progressed enough to be busy on all routes. So some students should use a taxi to reach a university or destination. The cost of a taxi in Northern Cyprus is about 150 liras.

Feeding and feeding

If the students’ tastes are not the same as the taste of the people of Northern Cyprus, people can cook their desire by purchasing raw food. The cost of preparing raw foods, eating and feeding and student cafes is about 5,000 liters. Of course, this cost is calculated on a monthly basis.

Another point to note in this section is that Northern Cyprus universities offer discount cards to their students who can buy university predecessors at a lower price.

Side costs such as treatment

In the lives of individuals, there are always sudden events such as accident, natural accidents, and human harm, disease, etc. Students are certainly no exception and are involved with such events. So in such circumstances they should go to the hospital or private clinics. Of course, many hospitals in Northern Cyprus are not in good condition and sometimes they cannot provide normal services to patients.

So patients should go to private clinics. Unfortunately, the cost of treatment in these private clinics is very high. But the Cypriot government allows its citizens to receive much of their treatment costs from insurance by providing insurance and life accidents in Northern Cyprus.

This feature is very useful for students. Because they can use all insurance capabilities and coverage and, in the event of illness, they will receive their treatment costs from the insurance company and do not have to worry about treatment by spending.

The cost of renewal of residence

You know that your education needs to be renewed every year. In fact, people have to pay a specified fee to renew their visa. The cost of renewal of 3500 liras is about 2800 liras of this amount must be paid first. Other costs are related to office work.

The best area for students to reside in Northern Cyprus

Northern Cyprus has different cities, each with specific facilities. But what a student in Cyprus lives is a taste. So you can find good information about these cities by reading the article on introducing the best cities of Northern Cyprus. Of course, be careful which cities are closer and which student is planning to study.


The cost of student life in Northern Cyprus

The cost of student life in Northern Cyprus

A clear future for students

Certainly people studying at the universities of Cyprus have a very bright future. Because these universities have great teaching practices. In fact, students at this university learn how to make a higher income depending on the working conditions of North Cyprus and their abilities.

In addition, another way that can make anyone, even students in a short time, is to invest in Northern Cyprus. The creation of new businesses has led to the growth of the North Cyprus economy, and the government supports such businesses. That is why investors are making their ideal income for a short time.


There is no denying the importance of the lesson and science. Learning science in today’s world helps individuals to achieve the best working conditions and social status by using their intelligence and talents. One may sometimes have to pay a lot of money to study. But it makes more profit. Of course, the cost of student living in Northern Cyprus is such that students can pay the best science and make a bright future for themselves.