Immigration by investment: includes information on obtaining permanent residence in Northern Cyprus by investment.

North Cyprus, located in the northeast of the Mediterranean Sea, has become an attractive destination for investors and expats due to its special geographical location, pleasant climate, reasonable cost of living and tax exemptions. Investing in real estate, buying government bonds or starting a business are popular ways to immigrate to North Cyprus.

Due to the unique investment opportunities that North Cyprus offers, especially in real estate, the country has become a popular option for investment migration. With at least 300,000 euros, you can obtain residence in this country for yourself and your family by buying a property in Northern Cyprus, registering a company in this country or buying securities.

Migration through investment

Migration through investment

Investment opportunities in Northern Cyprus

North Cyprus, with its strategic location and beautiful beaches, is an ideal destination for investors. This island, one of the largest and most beautiful islands in the Mediterranean Sea, offers countless opportunities for investment in all areas. Areas such as tourism, accommodation services and real estate are of interest to investors in North Cyprus. Any foreigner who meets the necessary conditions can invest in North Cyprus.

The economy of North Cyprus is growing fast and investment in this country can be profitable in a short time. Investing in North Cyprus has the ability to double the initial investment amount within 5 years. Overall, buying property is the most popular investment method in North Cyprus.

To invest and obtain residence in North Cyprus, you need to buy a property worth at least 300,000 euros. This property can be residential (such as a house or apartment) or commercial (such as an office, shop, hotel, etc.). Additional costs such as VAT must also be considered.

Before submitting an application for permanent residence in Northern Cyprus, you must have invested at least 200,000 euros of the total amount plus VAT in the property of your choice. The remaining amount must be paid after submitting the application.

Please note that the required capital must be transferred to North Cyprus through foreign banks and should not be in the form of loans from North Cyprus banks. Also, the capital must be deposited into the property seller’s account at a financial institution in Northern Cyprus.

As an investor, you can purchase several properties in North Cyprus to build up the capital required to obtain permanent residency in this country. Also, to get more information about investing in North Cyprus, you can refer to the article Investing in North Cyprus 2024 published in Zahorian Investment Company and get more information about investing in this country!

Investment opportunities in Northern Cyprus

Investment opportunities in Northern Cyprus

VAT on buying property in Northern Cyprus

The amount of value added tax in Northern Cyprus for the purchase of property is 19%. But this amount can be reduced to 5% for residential properties. In other words, if you live in your purchased property, you can pay only 5% tax instead of 19% tax.

Investing in Northern Cyprus by registering a company

One of the ways to invest in North Cyprus is to register a company or buy shares in a local company. To obtain a permanent residence in North Cyprus through this method, the minimum required investment is 300,000 euros and the registered company must have at least 5 employees. According to the laws of Northern Cyprus, a company must be registered to conduct any type of business in the country. A Limited Liability Company (LTD) is the most popular type of company to register in Northern Cyprus and the minimum capital required to register this type of company is €25,000.

To obtain a residence in North Cyprus, you can apply by investing in securities. This method allows you to invest in collective investment funds of the Cyprus Organization. These funds are regulated by the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission and professional managers. By having an investment manager, you can ensure that your capital is effectively used in North Cyprus startups and economic projects that have high profitability potential.

To invest in North Cyprus, you need to provide different documents depending on the chosen method. General documents required are:

  • Identity documents (official photo and valid passport)
  • Documents of work experience and good personal and business reputation
  • Proof of financial status for investment and having an annual income of at least 50,000 euros
  • Health certificate for all family members
  • Certificate of no bad history and no violation of immigration laws and no legal obstacle to enter Europe

Obtaining Northern Cyprus citizenship by investing in Northern Cyprus

The Northern Cyprus Direct Citizenship by Investment program has been suspended as of November 1, 2020. The most appropriate way to acquire the citizenship of North Cyprus is to obtain residence in this country and change it to citizenship after 7 years.

After living in North Cyprus for 7 years and proving your investment status and income, you can apply for citizenship of this country for yourself and your family. The process of obtaining citizenship of this country does not require participation in the language and citizenship test. With a Northern Cyprus passport, you can travel to the European Union and 168 other countries without the need for a visa. In the following, among the services provided by Zahorian Investment Company, we can refer to property purchase services in Northern Cyprus and Turkey! You can get more information about this service by visiting its dedicated page.

Benefits of immigrating to North Cyprus with investment

Benefits of immigrating to North Cyprus with investment

Benefits of immigrating to North Cyprus with investment

  • Obtaining permanent residence for yourself and family members
  • Enjoying the benefits of citizenship, including the right to work, education and health services
  • Tax exemptions for investors
  • Easy access to EU countries
  • Living in a Mediterranean style with a pleasant climate
  • Affordable living expenses

Different options for investment and residence

Buying property:

The most popular way to invest and get residence in North Cyprus is to buy property. The minimum investment for this purpose is 200,000 euros. Applicants should choose properties that are newly built and located in developed areas.

Investing in government securities:

Another option to invest and obtain residency is to buy government bonds worth €250,000. These government securities are issued for a period of 5 years and have a fixed interest rate.

Starting a business and entrepreneurship:

Applicants can obtain residency in Northern Cyprus by investing at least 200,000 euros in a new entrepreneurship and creating job opportunities.

The process of obtaining residence:

  • Choosing an investment option
  • Complete the residence application form
  • Providing the necessary documents
  • Payment of related fees
  • Interview with immigration officials
  • Get a residence card

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