Northern Cyprus

Northern Cyprus, with the official name of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, is an autonomous region in the northern part of the island of Cyprus, which has many attractions for tourists with its rich history, diverse culture and pristine nature. In this article, we will introduce various aspects of North Cyprus, from geography and cities to living conditions and immigration! Therefore, be sure to continue with Zahouriyan Investment Company!

Where is Northern Cyprus? (map + capital)

Where is Northern Cyprus? (map + capital)

Where is Northern Cyprus? (map + capital)

Northern Cyprus is located in the north of the island of Cyprus and its capital is Nicosia (Lefkosha). It is the world’s only divided capital city, with one part under the control of the Republic of Cyprus and the other part under the control of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus. With an area of ​​3,355 square kilometers, Northern Cyprus covers about a third of the entire island and is bounded by the Mediterranean Sea to the north and west, while it is connected to the Republic of Cyprus in the south and the area under the control of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus in the east. Is.

Some cities of Northern Cyprus

1. Nicosia (Lefkosha): the political and economic capital of Northern Cyprus and the main center of governmental and commercial activities.

2. Kyrenia (Kyriania): a coastal city with a beautiful and historical port that is known as an important destination for tourists. This city is famous for its historical castles and natural scenery.

3. Famagusta (Gazi Magusa): a historical and university city famous for its ancient walls and sandy beaches. This city hosts the Eastern Mediterranean University, which is considered one of the most prestigious universities in the region.

4. Morpho (Gozel Yurt): an agricultural town with citrus groves and beautiful natural scenery. This city is famous for its citrus groves and beautiful natural scenery.

Sights of Northern Cyprus

North Cyprus has many natural and historical attractions that attract a large number of tourists every year:

1. Castle of St. Hilarion: A historic castle with a beautiful view over the mountains that offers unparalleled views of the Mediterranean Sea.

2. Buffonto Castle: an ancient castle known as one of the most important sightseeing spots in the region. This fort is located on top of a hill and from there you can see a panoramic view of the island.

3. The ancient city of Salamis: one of the most important archeological sites in Northern Cyprus, which displays historical artifacts from the ancient Roman era.

4. Turtle Beach: A beautiful and protected place for turtles to lay their eggs, which attracts the attention of nature lovers in certain seasons of the year.

5. Selimiye Mosque: a historic mosque in Nicosia, known as one of the symbols of Islamic architecture in Northern Cyprus. This mosque used to be the church of St. Sophia and over time it has been converted into a mosque.

Northern Cyprus hotels

North Cyprus is one of the popular tourist destinations in the region with its beautiful beaches, Mediterranean climate and many historical and cultural attractions. Hotels in this area provide a unique experience to travelers by providing modern amenities and quality services.

1. Crystal Cave Hotel: This five-star hotel is located near the beach and with its large swimming pools, spa, international restaurants and beautiful views, it is considered one of the best hotels in North Cyprus. Luxury rooms with modern design and complete amenities provide guests with a comfortable and enjoyable stay.

2. Mersen Luxury Resort Hotel: This hotel is an excellent option for staying in North Cyprus with full amenities and easy access to tourist attractions. The facilities of this hotel include indoor and outdoor swimming pools, gym, spa and various restaurants. The rooms of this hotel with stylish and modern design provide a pleasant stay for the guests.

3. Merti Royal Hotel: a five-star hotel with facilities such as large swimming pools, spa, and several restaurants and bars. This hotel is one of the most popular hotels in North Cyprus due to its quality services and convenient location.

4. Artemis Hotel: This four-star hotel with facilities such as a swimming pool, various restaurants, and easy access to tourist attractions is a great option for staying in North Cyprus. The rooms of this hotel with modern design and convenient facilities provide a pleasant stay for guests.

Northern Cyprus hotels

Northern Cyprus hotels

Investment in Northern Cyprus

Northern Cyprus is considered a good opportunity for investment due to its geographical location and special economic conditions. This region is very attractive to investors with favorable tax laws, low cost of living and cheap labor. Various industries such as tourism, education and real estate are among the suitable areas for investment in North Cyprus. In addition, proximity to European and Middle Eastern markets is another advantage of investing in this region.

Investment in Northern Cyprus

Northern Cyprus, due to its strategic geographical location in the eastern Mediterranean and special economic conditions, has become one of the attractive areas for investment. With its rich natural resources, skilled workforce and low cost of living, this region provides unparalleled opportunities for investors.

Investment opportunities in Northern Cyprus

1. Tourism: Due to the increasing number of tourists every year, the tourism industry is one of the most booming sectors for investment in North Cyprus. Construction and operation of hotels, resorts, restaurants and entertainment places are among the opportunities in this sector. In addition, investing in sustainable and environmentally friendly tourism projects can also have many benefits.

2. Real estate: The real estate market in Northern Cyprus is an attractive option for investors due to the reasonable prices and high growth potential. Buying and selling land, building residential and commercial complexes, and developing luxury projects are among the opportunities available in this sector.

3. Education: due to the presence of international prestigious universities such as the Eastern Mediterranean University and the University of Nicosia, investment in the education sector can also have high returns. This includes the construction and management of international schools, educational institutions and student hostels.

4. Agriculture and food industries sector: Northern Cyprus has a high potential for investment in the agriculture and food industry sector, with fertile land and suitable weather conditions. Production of organic agricultural products, establishment of food processing factories and development of export of agricultural products are among the opportunities available in this sector.

Investment opportunities in Northern Cyprus

Investment opportunities in Northern Cyprus

Advantages of investing in North Cyprus

1. Low taxes: Northern Cyprus offers good opportunities for foreign investors with favorable tax laws. Low income tax rates and absence of inheritance tax are among the tax advantages of this region.

2. Low living and labor costs: Low living costs and cheap labor are other advantages of investing in North Cyprus. This reduces operating costs and increases profitability.

3. Adequate infrastructure: Northern Cyprus has a modern and adequate infrastructure that includes transportation networks, communication and public services. These infrastructures provide suitable conditions for investment and development of businesses.

4. Proximity to European and Middle Eastern markets: The strategic geographical location of North Cyprus allows easy access to European and Middle Eastern markets. This brings many export and business opportunities for investors.

Next, one of the services of Zahourian Investment Company is investment services in North Cyprus, and if you are looking for investment in North Cyprus, without a doubt, the investment company will be an attractive choice for you! You can get more information about these services by visiting our investment services page!

North Cyprus or South Cyprus?

Comparing North Cyprus and South Cyprus is possible in many ways. Economically, South Cyprus, which is under the control of the Republic of Cyprus, is a member of the European Union and has a more dynamic economy. But the cost of living in North Cyprus is much lower. Culturally and historically, both regions have many attractions. Northern Cyprus is more influenced by Turkish culture, while Southern Cyprus is more influenced by Greek and European culture. Security and political stability are greater in Southern Cyprus, but Northern Cyprus also has its own attractions, offering diverse investment and tourism opportunities.

A look at Iranians in Northern Cyprus

Many Iranians have migrated to North Cyprus for various reasons, including education, work and investment. The prestigious universities of this region, such as the Eastern Mediterranean University and the University of Nicosia, are the study destinations of many Iranian students. Also, many Iranians are active in various economic and commercial fields in this region and have formed a thriving Iranian community in Northern Cyprus.

Northern Cyprus or Türkiye?

It is possible to compare North Cyprus and Türkiye from various aspects. Economically, Türkiye has a bigger market and offers more economic opportunities. But Northern Cyprus may be more attractive to some investors due to its smaller size and more favorable tax laws. Culturally, both regions have a lot in common, as Northern Cyprus is influenced by Turkish culture. In terms of cost of living, Northern Cyprus is generally cheaper than Türkiye.

Living in Northern Cyprus

Living in North Cyprus comes with many advantages that make it an attractive destination for living and immigration. With Mediterranean climate, beautiful natural scenery, low cost of living and modern conveniences, this area provides a suitable environment for living. Further, if you are looking for information about working conditions in North Cyprus, you can visit our North Cyprus working conditions page.

Advantages of living in Northern Cyprus

1. Pleasant climate: Northern Cyprus has a Mediterranean climate with hot and dry summers and mild and rainy winters. These weather conditions provide a suitable environment for living and outdoor activities.

2. Low cost of living: The cost of living in Northern Cyprus is much lower than many European countries and even neighboring countries. This includes the cost of housing, food, transportation, and other day-to-day services. This is very attractive for people who are looking to live with less expenses.

3. Social Security: Northern Cyprus provides a safe and peaceful environment to live in due to its low crime rate. This area is considered one of the safest areas in the Mediterranean, with efficient police and an orderly judicial system.

4. Culture and Society: Northern Cyprus has a diverse and rich culture that combines Turkish, Greek and Mediterranean influences. The people of this region are very hospitable and friendly and form a lively and active community.

5. Amenities and entertainment: Northern Cyprus has many amenities and entertainment, including restaurants, cafes, sports clubs, parks and beautiful beaches. These facilities make life in this area comfortable and enjoyable.

6. High quality of education: Northern Cyprus has internationally recognized universities and quality schools that offer higher education and various training courses. This is very important for families who are looking for their children’s education in a high quality environment.

Advantages of living in Northern Cyprus

Advantages of living in Northern Cyprus

Migration to Northern Cyprus

Immigration to North Cyprus for Iranians and other foreign nationals may be done through different methods. Education, work and investment are among the common methods of migration to this region. Reputable universities, job opportunities in various fields and attractive investment programs are the main reasons for immigrating to North Cyprus.

The conditions of immigration to this region are relatively simpler than many European countries, and people can get the relevant visa by presenting the necessary documents.

Buying property in North Cyprus

Buying a property in North Cyprus is a good investment opportunity. Reasonable prices, simple purchase and ownership process, and potential growth of the real estate market make this area an attractive option for investors. People can get temporary residence and in some cases permanent residence in this area by purchasing property. The North Cyprus real estate market includes various types of properties, from city apartments to beach villas.

Buying a house in Northern Cyprus

Buying a house in North Cyprus is attractive to many people because of the reasonable prices and variety of options. From luxury villas on beautiful beaches to modern apartments in big cities, there are many options for buying a home. Buying a house in North Cyprus is not only considered as a long-term investment, but also as a place to live or spend a holiday.

Travel to Northern Cyprus

Traveling to North Cyprus is a unique experience full of unforgettable memories. This region is one of the popular tourist destinations in the Mediterranean with its beautiful beaches, historical monuments, rich culture and hospitality of the people. Tourists can travel to Northern Cyprus via direct flights to Arjan Airport or via cruise ships from Turkey. Various accommodation facilities, international restaurants and various recreational activities provide a pleasant experience for travelers.

Travel to Northern Cyprus

Travel to Northern Cyprus


Northern Cyprus, with its special geographical, cultural and economic features, is one of the attractive regions for tourists and investors. This region, which is located in the north of the island of Cyprus and is officially called the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, with its rich history, many natural and cultural attractions and modern facilities, is considered a suitable option for living, immigration and investment.

The important cities of Northern Cyprus include Nicosia, Kyrenia, Famagusta and Morphou, each of which is an attractive destination for tourists and residents with its unique attractions and features. Nicosia as the capital is the political and economic center, Kyrenia with its beautiful and historic port, Famagusta with its prestigious universities and ancient walls, and Morphou with its citrus groves and natural scenery.

North Cyprus also has many tourist attractions, including St. Hilarion Castle, Buffonto Castle, the ancient city of Salamis, and Turtle Beach. These attractions attract a large number of tourists every year.

Modern and quality hotels are also among the strengths of North Cyprus. Hotels such as Crystal Cave, Mersen Luxury Resort, Merti Royal and Artemis provide a comfortable and enjoyable stay for guests by providing modern amenities and quality services.

Also, in terms of investment, North Cyprus provides many opportunities for investors with favorable economic conditions, favorable tax laws and low cost of living. Tourism, real estate, education and agriculture industries are among the suitable areas for investment in this region. Also, proximity to European and Middle Eastern markets is another advantage of investing in North Cyprus.

Living in North Cyprus comes with many advantages, including the pleasant Mediterranean climate, low cost of living, high social security, diverse culture and community, and convenient amenities and entertainment. These factors have made North Cyprus an attractive destination for immigration, living and investment.

Finally, North Cyprus, with its unique characteristics, is a suitable option for those who are looking for new experiences, suitable investment opportunities and living in a beautiful and peaceful environment. Zahouriyan Investment Company can act as a reliable companion for investors and immigrants by providing various services in this field.