Living in Northern Cyprus

Northern Cyprus, a beautiful country on the Mediterranean Sea, with its sunny beaches, rich history and unique culture, has become an attractive destination for expats. If you are looking for a peaceful life in a country with affordable costs and warm-hearted people, North Cyprus can be an ideal option for you.

About life in Northern Cyprus

About life in Northern Cyprus

What kind of country is Northern Cyprus?

Cyprus is an island in the east of the Mediterranean Sea, which is divided into two parts, northern and southern. Northern Cyprus, officially the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, is governed by a majority of Turkish Cypriots and declared independence in 1983. However, this independence is not recognized by the international community, except for Türkiye.

Despite this challenge, Northern Cyprus is a politically and economically stable country that has seen significant growth and development in recent years. This country has become a popular tourist destination due to its beautiful beaches, historical sites, delicious food and warm people.

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How are the people living in Cyprus?

The people of Northern Cyprus are known for their hospitality and warmth. They care a lot about their family and community. The official language of Northern Cyprus is Turkish, but English is also widely spoken.

Northern Cypriots are generally patient, polite and respectful. They also stick to their traditions and customs and enjoy sharing their culture with others. Next, another service of Zahorian Investment Company is property purchase service in North Cyprus. These services are performed by our skilled experts and you can get free property purchase advice by visiting our North Cyprus property purchase service page.

What are the economic conditions of Northern Cyprus?

The economy of Northern Cyprus is based on tourism, agriculture and manufacturing. In recent years, this country has seen significant growth in the tourism sector, which has led to the creation of new job opportunities and an increase in the standard of living.

The currency of Northern Cyprus is the Turkish Cypriot lira (TRY). The inflation rate in this country is relatively low and the cost of living is significantly lower compared to other European countries.

What is the work and tax situation in Northern Cyprus?

The unemployment rate in Northern Cyprus is low and the demand for skilled labor is increasing. There are job opportunities in various sectors including tourism, agriculture, financial services and real estate.

Tax rates in Northern Cyprus are relatively low. Income tax is applied in a graduated manner and the highest rate is 20%. There is also property tax and value added tax (VAT).

What is the state of education in North Cyprus?

The education system in Northern Cyprus is based on the Turkish education system. In this country, there are public and private schools at different levels, including primary, secondary and higher. North Cyprus universities are known for providing quality education to domestic and international students in Turkish and English.

Public schools in Northern Cyprus are free to study, but you have to pay fees to study in private schools. There are also a number of scholarships for international students.

What is the cost of living in Northern Cyprus?

The cost of living in North Cyprus is significantly lower compared to other European countries. The cost of housing, food, clothing and transportation in North Cyprus is significantly lower than other European countries. However, the prices of some goods and services, such as electronics and automobiles, can be high because they are imported.

What is the cost of living in Northern Cyprus?

What is the cost of living in Northern Cyprus?

Advantages of living in Northern Cyprus

  • Low cost of living: Northern Cyprus is a country with an affordable cost of living where you can live a comfortable and prosperous life on a smaller budget.
  • Great climate: Northern Cyprus enjoys a Mediterranean climate with hot summers and mild winters.
    Beautiful beaches: Northern Cyprus is famous for its beautiful sandy beaches and clear turquoise waters.
  • Historical Areas: The country has a rich history and diverse cultural heritage that is exhibited in ancient ruins, castles and museums.
  • Delicious food: Turkish Cypriot cuisine is a delicious combination of Turkish, Middle Eastern and Mediterranean cuisine.
  • Security: Northern Cyprus is a safe country with a low crime rate.
  • Access to Europe: Northern Cyprus is a great place to travel to other countries in the region due to its proximity to Turkey and Europe.

Disadvantages of living in Northern Cyprus

  • Lack of international recognition: Northern Cyprus is not recognized by the majority of countries in the world, which can cause some problems such as travel and trade.
  • Language: The official language of Northern Cyprus is Turkish, which may be difficult for some people to learn.
  • Political restrictions: North Cyprus is politically in tension with South Cyprus, which can affect people’s daily lives.
  • Limited infrastructure: The infrastructure of Northern Cyprus is developing, but you may face shortages in some areas.
Disadvantages of living in Northern Cyprus

Disadvantages of living in Northern Cyprus


Northern Cyprus is a country with its own unique advantages and disadvantages. If you are looking for a peaceful life in a country with affordable costs, warm people and great weather, North Cyprus could be the right option for you. However, before moving to this country, carefully weigh the pros and cons and do your research.

important points

  • Obtaining a visa: You need a visa to enter North Cyprus. You can apply for a visa online or through the North Cyprus embassy or consulate in your home country.
  • Residence: You need a residence permit to live in Northern Cyprus. There are different types of residence permits, including permanent residence permit, temporary residence permit, and work permit.
  • Health Insurance: Health insurance is not mandatory in North Cyprus, but it is recommended. You can choose public or private health insurance.
  • Language learning: Learning Turkish is useful for living in Northern Cyprus, but not essential. English is widely spoken in tourist areas.

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