Education in North Cyprus: from schools to universities

Are you looking to secure your children’s educational and professional future in Cyprus or Europe? Migration through education is one of the best ways to achieve this goal. Cyprus, especially North Cyprus, has become a good choice for families who want to study abroad for their children, offering prestigious universities and affordable tuition fees.

Education in North Cyprus: from schools to universities

Education in North Cyprus: from schools to universities

In this article, we examine the possibility of studying and living in North Cyprus from schools to universities.

The conditions of your children’s education in primary schools in Cyprus

  • Any child whose father or mother resides in Cyprus can enroll in primary schools in this country from the age of 6.
  • The primary school period in Cyprus lasts 6 years and students study there until they are 12 years old.
  • Education in public schools is free for Cypriot citizens.
  • Students who do not have permanent residence in Cyprus must pay tuition fees to study in public schools or enroll in private schools.

Introducing some popular schools for students in Cyprus

  • Martyr Ikerkartar School in Famagusta waterfront area
  • Alaasia Primary School in Alaasia region
  • Larnaca Armenian School

Headlines of primary school lessons in North Cyprus schools

North Cyprus schools have attracted the attention of students and families by offering a curriculum aligned with Europe and America. In these schools, students, while learning basic sciences, also learn practical and essential skills for today’s world.

Some of the most important topics in North Cyprus primary schools are:

  • English language: the international language that opens the door to global communication for students.
  • Mathematics: the science of numbers and calculations, the basis of logical thinking and problem solving.
  • Turkish language: the official language of Northern Cyprus and the key to entering the culture and history of this country.
  • Science: Exploring the wonderful world of nature and understanding scientific phenomena.
  • French language: a step to master the second most used language in the world.
  • Geography: Familiarity with the globe, maps, countries and different cultures.
  • History: reviewing the past, learning from it and better understanding the present.
  • Art: Cultivating creativity, innovation and aesthetic sense through painting, sculpture and…
  • Music: playing an instrument, singing and understanding musical concepts.
  • Physical education: maintaining health, vitality and developing sports spirit through physical activities.
    Information and Communication Technology (ICT): learning to work with computers, use the Internet and digital skills.
  • Design and Technology (DT): ideation, problem solving and creation of creative works using different materials and tools.
  • Religious education (RE): Familiarity with religious and moral teachings.
    Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE): developing life skills, making good decisions, maintaining health and healthy relationships.

In addition to these, North Cyprus schools offer other curricula such as extracurricular activities, camps and scientific visits. With such diversity in the curriculum, students in North Cyprus schools are fully prepared for success in their future studies and entry into the world of work.

The benefits of studying in North Cyprus high schools

Exposure to the university environment: Studying in North Cyprus high schools introduces students to the university environment from an early age and increases their chances of acceptance into university. Northern Cyprus provides a suitable environment for this due to prestigious universities such as Eastern Mediterranean (EMU), Near East University and the American University of Kyrenia.

Advantages of studying in high schools in Cyprus

Advantages of studying in high schools in Cyprus

Efficient educational system: Another advantage of studying in high schools in Northern Cyprus is that the educational system of Cyprus consists of 6 years of education, which is divided into two levels, first and second secondary. Education until the end of the first secondary school is compulsory for all people. Foreign students with good grades can enter high schools in North Cyprus and after completing the 3-year junior high school course, they can choose their field of study by participating in an oral interview.

The cost of studying in Northern Cyprus

  • Education in public high schools in Cyprus is free for citizens of this country.
  • The annual tuition of private high schools or boarding schools is between 1500 and 2500 dollars. These schools offer more advanced academic programs.

Foley Schools, Kyrenia English School and Tips British College (NBC) are among the well-known secondary schools in North Cyprus.

Admission requirements in North Cyprus universities

Unlike high school, which does not require an entrance exam, admission to North Cyprus universities is a bit more complicated.

Yes, it works. Adding the word “life” to it, this sentence will be as follows: Some universities still use the exam system to admit students, but many universities select applicants based on their academic record and entrance interview. Consider the word life in Northern Cyprus.

Important points in choosing universities

  • GPA: It is very important to have a high GPA in the previous academic years, especially in high school (years 9 and 12) where national exams are held by the Ministry of Education of Cyprus.
  • Academic Resume: A strong academic resume that includes your grades, extracurricular activities, awards, and other academic achievements is very important.
  • Interview: Passing a university entrance interview is essential, which is usually conducted to assess your motivation, communication skills and fit with the educational program.
Interview: Passing a university entrance interview is essential, which is usually conducted to assess your motivation, communication skills and fit with the educational program.

Interview: Passing a university entrance interview is essential, which is usually conducted to assess your motivation, communication skills and fit with the educational program.

Education system of Cyprus: overview and salient features

The education system of Cyprus follows a structure similar to the education system of North America and is divided into four main education levels: preschool, primary school, high school and university.

Educational stages

  • Preschool: Kindergarten attendance is mandatory for children under 6 years of age in North Cyprus and this period includes one year of education.
  • Primary school: The primary school period lasts 6 years.
  • High school: High school is also divided into two 3-year courses: first high school and second high school.

Key advantages of the Northern Cyprus education system

  • Multilingualism: One of the most obvious advantages of Cyprus schools is their multilingualism. Most students in this country speak English, Turkish and French fluently.
  • Variety of schools: Cyprus schools are offered in two types, public and private.
  • Rich curricula: Private schools often offer extra-curricular programs, extra subjects and a wider range of subjects.
Key advantages of the Northern Cyprus education system

Key advantages of the Northern Cyprus education system

In general, the educational system of Cyprus is of high quality and provides diverse educational opportunities for students. This makes Cyprus a good choice for students looking to study in an international and multicultural environment.

final word

Offering reputable universities and affordable tuition fees, Northern Cyprus is a good choice for families who want to educate their children abroad. North Cyprus schools have attracted the attention of students and families by offering a curriculum aligned with Europe and America and provide students with a variety of educational opportunities.

Studying in North Cyprus schools and universities introduces students to the university environment from an early age and increases the probability of their admission to university. The educational system of Cyprus consists of 6 years of compulsory education, and foreign students can also enter high schools in this country with good grades.

Admission to North Cyprus universities is based on GPA, academic resume and entrance interview, which shows the high quality of the education system of this country. In general, North Cyprus, with a multilingual education system and rich curricula, provides suitable educational opportunities for students.

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