The experience of immigrating to Northern Cyprus: a conversation with a successful immigrant

Having a successful immigration experience is a very sweet dream for those who pursue this goal. But you should know that many factors play a role in migration and its success. For this reason and to know how to migrate and the most correct way, it is better to talk to successful people in this field. Today, people migrate to other cities or countries to have a better life. Since Cyprus is considered one of the fastest growing countries, the idea of ​​immigrating to North Cyprus is raised in the minds of many people.

As we said, there are many criteria and factors for immigrating to North Cyprus. Therefore, in this article, we intend to introduce you to the simplest methods by examining the factors influencing migration to North Cyprus. So if you want to experience a simpler and more comfortable life in one of the most attractive islands in the world, be sure to join us. In this article, we at Zahoorian Investment Company will review the experience of immigrating to North Cyprus!

The experience of immigrating to Northern Cyprus: a conversation with a successful immigrant

The experience of immigrating to Northern Cyprus: a conversation with a successful immigrant

Northern Cyprus, a dreamy and eventful land

North Cyprus, which is located in the east of the Mediterranean Sea and neighbors the southeast of Greece and the south of Turkey, is considered the third largest island of this sea. This beautiful island with more than 300 sunny days a year is considered the warmest and sunniest island of Cyprus. It is known as North. Its mild fall and short winter, together with the Mediterranean climate, provide a suitable environment for the growth of olive trees, cypress, golden oak and eucalyptus.

Northern Cyprus, with its convenient geopolitical and geographical location, which borders Asia and the Middle East from the north and east, and Africa and Europe from the south and west, has been the focus of great powers throughout history, and sometimes by this superpower. The world is occupied. We have already talked to you about the bright future of Northern Cyprus.

This island was occupied by the superpower of that time, i.e. Iran, during the war between Iran and Greece during the rule of the Khameneis in Iran and was administered by Iran for a while. This is an interesting point. Northern Cyprus, which was the last country to be colonized by Britain, recognized its independence in 1960 with the Zurich Agreement and became the 99th member of the United Nations.

The differences between the Greeks and the Turkish Cypriots caused the country to be divided into Northern Cyprus (where the Turks live) and Southern Cyprus (where the Greeks live). This division ended with the mediation of the United Nations. Some people consider Cyprus to be more than just a summer vacation destination. Despite low taxes and good living conditions, some have thought of immigrating to this country. For these people, getting to know the experiences of living in Cyprus and the costs and living conditions there can be useful.

Influential factors in migration to North Cyprus

Certainly, everyone has different criteria and interests for immigrating to North Cyprus or any other country. For example, some think of migration because of better economic conditions, some because of having more freedom, etc. With all these interpretations, having a good immigration experience requires paying attention to the basic principles of life. In fact, people who intend to immigrate to North Cyprus or other countries should be aware of the political, economic and social situation of the people of this country.

Being aware of these situations makes people make better decisions about their immigration. Sometimes people take big risks to follow their dreams, but they don’t get the desired results. Therefore, it is better for everyone to have sufficient knowledge in this field before proceeding to immigrate. In the following, we have mentioned some of the influential factors in migration to North Cyprus.

The language and mentality of the people of Northern Cyprus

Some who have lived in Northern Cyprus report that although the majority of residents in this area are Turkish speakers, they are fluent in English. In the southern part, the situation is slightly different. People who have lived in Southern Cyprus report that English is also spoken there. However, most of the society there speaks Greek.

The experiences of living in Cyprus show that the people of this country are very friendly and hospitable and treat immigrants and visitors to their country very well. Regarding security in Northern Cyprus, despite all the political conflicts that have existed in the past, security is in a very good state and today Northern Cyprus is known as the safest country in the world with a population of less than 5 million people.

People who have had the experience of migrating to Northern Cyprus have not had any reports of criminal activities against tourists and immigrants. However, it is always advisable to take care of your personal belongings and not leave them in public places.

Political situation in Northern Cyprus

Regarding the political and economic situation of Cyprus, this country has complex political and social conditions. You probably know that this country neighbors Greece and Cyprus from the south and north. At first, these two countries had a war over the ownership of Cyprus. Finally, about 50 years ago, after a military coup by Greece in the south of Cyprus and with the reaction of Turkey from the north, the northern and southern parts of this country were separated from each other. Since then, Turkey has not evacuated the northern part and has recognized the independent state of the northern part of Cyprus.

Other societies of the world recognize the government of the southern part of Cyprus. Those who have the experience of living in Cyprus, to pass from the northern part to the southern part and vice versa, must pass through the Green Zone or the UN buffer.

Working conditions in Northern Cyprus

Regarding working conditions, immigration to Northern Cyprus and life experiences in Cyprus show that the employment situation in the country is relatively good. The number of unemployed people in this country is relatively low, and in some situations, there are job opportunities for immigrants. Immigrants can travel to this country and look for work without the need for a visa. After finding a specific job in this country, they can apply for a work permit in Cyprus.

But it should be noted that there is no minimum income in Cyprus and some employers may offer low and unfair offers for work. Also, incomes in Cyprus are relatively low and you shouldn’t expect much from working in Cyprus. However, moving to Northern Cyprus has a relatively low cost of living.

Taxes in Cyprus are very low for international companies and languages. This has made international companies want to move their headquarters to Cyprus. But in the case of individual taxes, the situation is different. People who are citizens or permanent residents of Cyprus must pay 35% personal income tax. Therefore, consider this in order to immigrate to North Cyprus.

Cyprus government services to the people

You definitely know that the services or features of every country and government are not perfect, those countries that are newly developed and progressing. For example, people who have lived in Cyprus, usually complain about the lack of flights in this country. Although the government of the southern part has declared flights to this area illegal and in some cases may not allow people who entered the country through this route, flights are made to Arjan airport through Turkey.

If you want to travel to the southern part of Cyprus without problems, it is recommended to enter the country through the airports of this part. One of these airports is Larnaca Airport. Further, to get more information for investing in North Cyprus, you can refer to the article Investing in North Cyprus 2024 published in Zahorian Investment Company and get more information about investing in this country!

Examining the experience of immigration to Northern Cyprus

People who have lived in North Cyprus suggest that it is better to rent a car to move to North Cyprus. Renting a car allows you to travel within Cyprus at lower costs. If you don’t want to rent a car in North Cyprus, you can use the country’s public transportation system. For this, you can use Dolmus buses, which are owned by the private sector.

Fares are relatively cheap, ranging from two to five liras on most lines. In some longer lines, the transportation fee may be up to 10 liras. Using private taxis is another way to get around in North Cyprus. It is even possible to use shared taxis in certain routes. Regarding the market situation in North Cyprus, people who have lived in both North and South Cyprus say that prices are relatively cheaper in the North.

In the following, we will review and introduce to you the experience of immigrating to North Cyprus by a person who spent 7 years of his life in Cyprus! According to this person’s experience of immigrating to North Cyprus, the two main disadvantages of living in North Cyprus are the lack of city gas and large stores for shopping.

But he also pointed out some of the advantages of living in Cyprus. She says that for her, being a woman, Cyprus is a very safe country and she can go to the beach at 2 in the morning and enjoy her time without worrying about anyone bothering her. He considers this a great advantage.

He also loves a lot of sunny days and says that these sunny days are very good for him, who has a cold temperament, and he can enjoy the warmth of the sun. He strongly dislikes autumn and winter, and fortunately in Cyprus, there is no long winter. Next, another service of Zahourian Investment Company is the property purchase service in Northern Cyprus and Türkiye! You can get more information by visiting its dedicated page!

Examining the experience of immigration to Northern Cyprus

Examining the experience of immigration to Northern Cyprus

Why is the experience of immigrating to North Cyprus important?

Many people who plan to immigrate to North Cyprus consider many factors to find their preferred country to immigrate to.

For example, people choose the country they want to immigrate to based on their budget, culture, expectations and goals. But the important thing in choosing the desired country for immigration is the experiences of others in that country. Definitely, if they themselves want to experience a country for immigration and then make a decision, they will lose a lot of money and time, which does not seem logical at all.

This issue makes them get information about that country in any possible way and then make their final decision. One of the ways to get this information is to search online.

Adverse experiences of immigrating to Northern Cyprus

Many people who immigrated to North Cyprus 8 years ago or earlier did not have good experiences in this country. In those years, the country of Northern Cyprus did not have many facilities, including shops, luxury apartments, recreational facilities, etc. Even some friends write in their memories from North Cyprus that the water in the pipes was salty sea water and they had to use it for bathing, which in some cases caused skin itching. They had to walk for miles to shop. The residential projects of Northern Cyprus were starting to be built and the number of people living there was very small.

Adverse experiences of immigrating to Northern Cyprus

Adverse experiences of immigrating to Northern Cyprus

At a time when the internet was very weak and in some areas there was not even an antenna, public transport was limited to a few taxis and buses, and there were only a few small car rental centers in North Cyprus. However, over time, all these problems were solved.


With the passage of time and the development of North Cyprus, many facilities were made available to the people. People who have traveled to North Cyprus before and are now visiting the country again after a few years are amazed at how much development and construction has taken place in just a few years. This country reminds them of the speed of construction and development in the UAE, and given the better climate and conditions that the country has, they think that the future of North Cyprus will probably be better than that of the UAE.

Now you probably know what points you should pay attention to in order to immigrate to Northern Cyprus and even other countries, so be sure to remember to get a complete understanding of the political, economic and social situation of the desired country before immigrating.

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