Comprehensive analysis of the 2024 investment laws in North Cyprus

North Cyprus is one of the best options for investing and preserving the value of your capital. In recent years, this country has been able to attract a large number of Iranian investors. North Cyprus is one of the most suitable economic countries in Asia, offering various investment opportunities. Due to the devaluation of the rial in the past few years, many Iranian capitalists have decided to withdraw their capital from Iran, and most of them have chosen Northern Cyprus as their investment destination.

North Cyprus is a cheap but advanced and modern country that issues visas to Iranians without any problems. This issue has caused a large number of Iranians to transfer their capital to this country by buying real estate, establishing a company or buying an apartment in Northern Cyprus and witness a significant increase in the value of their initial capital in a short period of time.

Comprehensive analysis of the 2024 investment laws in North Cyprus

Comprehensive analysis of the 2024 investment laws in North Cyprus

Rapid capital appreciation by investing in North Cyprus

Investing in North Cyprus will not only preserve the value of your money, but in a short period of time you will see significant capital growth and an increase in the value of your money. For example, property prices in Northern Cyprus increase by 15-20% every year. This rate of capital growth is very significant for funds denominated in euros or pounds.”

Building a bright future for the next generation

Investing in North Cyprus means obtaining a residence permit for your children under 18 years of age. Northern Cyprus has leading and prestigious schools and universities that meet European standards. Studying in North Cyprus schools and universities guarantees a bright future for your child.

Low risk investment

If you use reputable consultants and reputable law firms to invest in North Cyprus, your capital will not only not be lost, but will return to you with multiple profits.

Living in a beautiful, safe and cheap country with a Mediterranean climate

By obtaining North Cyprus residency through investment, you can safely immigrate to this country and enjoy life in this beautiful country. The cheap cost of living, proximity to Iran and pleasant climate are the advantages of living in North Cyprus.

Granting long-term facilities to qualified investors

One of the investment rules is that the country grants long-term facilities with low interest to investors who register a company and manage to hire and insure at least 5 employees from Northern Cyprus. Also, people buying property in Northern Cyprus are granted a 10-12% interest rate facility.

Active economy and low unemployment rate

According to Worlddata website, Northern Cyprus is among the 30 countries with the highest number of tourists in the world. This issue has caused the economy of this country to be continuously active and the unemployment rate is very low.

Investment rules in Northern Cyprus

Investment rules in Northern Cyprus

Investment rules in Northern Cyprus

  • No criminal record
  • Having a passport with at least one year validity
  • Financial facilities (variable amount)
  • Minimum capital of 91 thousand euros for the company registration method
  • Minimum capital of 500 thousand euros for the method of buying securities
  • Minimum capital of 100,000 euros for the property purchase method
  • Northern Cyprus investment visa

Northern Cyprus is one of the Asian countries where Iranian travelers do not need a visa to enter. Any Iranian can enter this country with a North Cyprus airport visa and stay there for 180 or 90 days. Therefore, Iranians who intend to invest in North Cyprus can enter this country without the need to obtain a visa from the embassy.

Regarding the North Cyprus visa after investment, the investment rules are such that the investor can get a one-year visa or residence in North Cyprus for himself and his first-class family members. This visa is valid as long as the investment is valid (that is, until the company’s activity ends or the property or securities are sold).

Investment methods in North Cyprus

  • Investment by buying real estate
  • Investment by registering a company
  • Investment by buying securities
  • Investing in North Cyprus by buying real estate

One of the easiest ways to invest in North Cyprus is to buy real estate. In this method, the value of your property must be at least 300,000 euros. It can be a property worth 300,000 euros or a number of properties with a total value of 300,000 euros. In addition, you must freeze the amount of 30,000 euros in your bank account in Northern Cyprus for a period of three years.

In the property purchase method, the property owner must have an annual income of 30,000 euros and each of the property owner’s companions must also have an annual income of 5,000 euros. The government of North Cyprus has provided various loans and facilities for people who plan to invest in real estate in this country.

If you want to pre-purchase a property in North Cyprus, by paying 30% of the total amount, you can definitely own it and register the purchase contract in the North Cyprus Registry. You can pay the remaining amount interest-free to the seller over a period of 120 months. But if you intend to buy a ready-made property, you have to pay 50 to 70 percent of the total amount first and then pay the remaining amount to the seller within a period of 12 to 24 months without interest.

Investment in Northern Cyprus using company registration

Registering a company in North Cyprus is a bit more complicated than buying a property. To register a company in this country, you need to get your insurance code and tax code and pay a certain amount (depending on the type of company) as tax to the government of Northern Cyprus every year. In order to obtain a company registration license from Northern Cyprus, you must hire at least 5 citizens of Northern Cyprus, one of whom will be the auditor of your company.

In order to accept the application for company registration, you must have at least 91,000 euros of financial resources, which will be blocked in your bank account for a period of 3 months. In addition, the amount of 9 thousand euros must remain blocked in the company’s bank account until the end of your company’s activity.

It is possible that at first, the government of Northern Cyprus will not accept your business plan; But by using the services of legal consultants specializing in company registration in North Cyprus, you can optimize your business plan and present it again. Once registered, your company will have legal validity until employee insurance and company tax are paid.

To invest in North Cyprus by buying securities, you must acquire securities worth at least 500,000 euros. Using this method, you can get a one-year residency for yourself and your first-degree family members, and after spending three years, convert your one-year residency into a permanent residency.

During these three years, you do not have the right to sell any of your securities. Also, property purchase services in North Cyprus and Turkey is another service of Zahouriyan Investment Company. These services are provided by real estate experts with legal license and credit and years of successful experience by Zahouriyan Investment Company!

Investment in Northern Cyprus using company registration

Investment in Northern Cyprus using company registration

The documents required for investment in North Cyprus are:

  • Passport with at least one year validity
  • Certificate of no criminal record
  • financial ability (variable amount)
  • Completing the application form for a one-year residence in North Cyprus
  • Official translation of the business plan for company registration
  • Six-month account turnover report
  • Financial ability of 91 thousand euros to register the company
  • Official translation of the contract
  • Official translation of birth certificate of spouse and children to obtain residence

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