The role and status of women in North Cyprus: a comprehensive and multidimensional analysis

Women always play a key role in different societies and their situation can be a reflection of the general conditions of the society. In Northern Cyprus, women have rights and freedoms that enable them to participate in various areas of social and economic life. This article examines the role and status of women in North Cyprus in detail, focusing on culture, security, political participation, employment, hijab status and social support.

Women in Northern Cyprus

Women in Northern Cyprus

Culture and its effect on women

Northern Cyprus, with its rich history and culture, has been influenced by various influences from its neighboring countries such as Turkey and Lebanon. The culture of this region is a combination of eastern traditions and customs and western influences. This cultural combination has influenced women’s daily life and provided conditions for women to enjoy individual freedoms and maintain traditional values.

Women in Northern Cyprus play traditional roles as mothers and wives in families, but at the same time they have many opportunities to be active in social, political and economic fields. In many families, girls’ education is a priority and this has made the literacy rate of women high in this country. Further, if you are looking for information about working conditions in North Cyprus, you can visit our North Cyprus working conditions page.

Women’s security in Northern Cyprus

Northern Cyprus is known as one of the safest countries in the world, and this security is especially important for women. Women in this country can confidently participate in social and economic activities and defend their rights. The existence of high social security in North Cyprus has allowed women to be active in society without fear of possible threats.

Women’s political participation

The role of women in politics in North Cyprus is significant. Although this country still cannot be compared with some advanced European countries, compared to many countries in the region, Northern Cyprus has made significant progress in terms of women’s political participation. In 2013, Ms. Sibel Seiber was appointed as the first female Prime Minister in the history of Northern Cyprus, which is a turning point in the political history of this country. Also, other women have been in important government and parliamentary positions, which shows the expansion of women’s political participation in this country.

Women’s employment and economy in North Cyprus

One of the most important indicators of women’s development and freedom in society is their participation in the labor market. In Northern Cyprus, women play an active role in the economy and make up about 35-40% of the workforce. This percentage shows the significant presence of women in various jobs such as education, health, government services and the private sector.

Research shows that 35% of civil servants in Northern Cyprus are women. This figure shows the government’s serious efforts to increase the participation of women in various economic sectors. Also, the unemployment rate of women is 8.9%, which shows the challenges that still exist in the field of women’s employment. However, continuous efforts are underway to improve the employment situation of women in Northern Cyprus, and it is hoped that these efforts will lead to positive results.

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Women's employment and economy in North Cyprus

Women’s employment and economy in North Cyprus

The status of hijab and women’s freedom of covering in North Cyprus

Although the majority of the population of Northern Cyprus is Muslim, hijab is not mandatory in this country. Women in North Cyprus are free to choose their clothing and there is no pressure from the government to observe the hijab. This shows respect for the individual rights and freedom of choice of women in this country. Women with hijab and without hijab are present together in the society, and this diversity of clothing has made North Cyprus a diverse and multicultural society.

Social support and the status of shelters

Supporting women in times of crisis is one of the main duties of governments. As one of the important tools of social support, women’s shelters play a vital role in ensuring the safety and well-being of homeless women or victims of violence. In Northern Cyprus, the first women’s shelter opened in 2011, but was quickly closed due to lack of up-to-date standards. The lack of suitable shelters is one of the important challenges in the field of protecting women in this country.

This situation indicates the need for serious measures and more detailed planning to create and maintain suitable shelters for women. Social support should include providing suitable facilities for homeless women, providing counseling and psychological services, and creating job opportunities for women in crisis situations.

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Northern Cyprus weather

Education and training

Education plays a key role in empowering women. In Northern Cyprus, special attention is paid to the education of girls and many women in this country have higher education.

Women’s education not only helps to improve their social and economic status, but also has positive effects on the family and society. Educated women can play a more effective role in educating future generations and participating in the development of society.

The status of hijab and women's freedom of covering in North Cyprus

The status of hijab and women’s freedom of covering in North Cyprus

Challenges and opportunities

Despite all the progress and success achieved by women in Northern Cyprus, there are still challenges that require serious attention and action. One of these challenges is the lack of suitable shelters for homeless women or victims of violence. Also, the unemployment rate of women also needs to be improved so that women can fully participate in the labor market.

On the other hand, there are also many opportunities to improve the situation of women in Northern Cyprus. The government’s efforts to increase women’s participation in politics and economy show the country’s commitment to women’s rights. Also, freedom in covering and respect for women’s individual rights has created a suitable environment for women’s life and activities.


Women in North Cyprus enjoy relatively good rights and freedoms and play an active role in society. High security, freedom in clothing, political participation and an active role in the labor market are among the things that indicate the relatively favorable situation of women in this country. However, there are still challenges such as the lack of suitable shelters for homeless women and the unemployment rate of women, which require serious and continuous measures.

The efforts of the government and social institutions to improve the status of women in Northern Cyprus are commendable, and it is hoped that by continuing these efforts, women in this country will be able to gain more rights and freedoms and play a more effective role in the development and progress of society.

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