What is a casino?

Casinos are places where all kinds of games of chance and betting are offered to the enthusiasts. In addition to offering various games, casinos often provide other facilities such as restaurants, bars, theaters, and accommodation facilities to provide a comprehensive and enjoyable experience for visitors.

What is a casino?

What is a casino?

Casino history

Casinos have their roots in 17th century Italy, where the first casinos were established as social clubs for the nobility. With the passage of time, the concept of casinos spread to other parts of the world and became its present form. In the 20th century, Las Vegas became known as the casino center of the world and became one of the most popular tourist destinations due to favorable tax laws and a large number of famous hotels and casinos.

Features of casinos

1. Variety of games: Casinos offer a wide variety of games, including card games like poker and blackjack, table games like roulette and baccarat, and slot machines.

2. Luxury atmosphere: mostly casino. With stylish and luxurious decoration, they create an attractive and comfortable atmosphere for visitors.

3. Additional services: Many casinos have other facilities such as quality restaurants, bars, shows and entertainment programs.

4. Security: Casinos usually use advanced security systems to keep players safe and prevent fraud.

Northern Cyprus casinos

North Cyprus is known as one of the popular destinations for casino enthusiasts. Due to favorable tax laws and Mediterranean climate, this area is home to many famous and large casinos.

Some of the most famous casinos in North Cyprus are:

1. Merit Royal Casino: This casino is located in Kyrenia and has more than 50 gaming tables, 12 poker tables and more than 200 slot machines. There are also facilities such as restaurant, bar, and club in this complex.

2. Kratos Premium Casino: Located in the city of Kyrina, it is one of the largest and most famous casinos in Northern Cyprus with two large gaming halls, more than 250 slot machines and 40 casino tables.

3. Noah’s Ark Casino: This casino is located in a luxurious and stylish ship and in addition to offering a variety of games, it provides a unique experience of staying and playing on the ship.

4. Kaya Artemis Casino: Another popular casino in Northern Cyprus that has attracted tourists by offering a variety of games and amenities such as quality bars and restaurants.

5. Alexos Casino Hotel: located near Kyrenia and offering facilities such as water park, water sports, and luxury services, it is considered one of the largest and most prestigious casinos in the region.

Next, if you are looking for more information about North Cyprus casinos, you can refer to the North Cyprus casinos article published on the website of Zahouriyan Investment Company! In this article, you can get additional and appropriate information about North Cyprus casinos!

Casinos of Northern Cyprus

Casinos of Northern Cyprus

Side entertainment in North Cyprus

In addition to casinos, North Cyprus has a variety of entertainment. These activities include beautiful beaches and pleasant weather, cycling on the beaches, diving in the Mediterranean Sea, and participating in dance and music programs in clubs. This island is an attractive destination for tourists by offering a series of fun activities and a safe environment. Next, one of the services of Zahourian Investment Company is investment services in North Cyprus, and if you are looking for investment in North Cyprus, the investment company will undoubtedly be an attractive choice for you! You can get more information about these services by visiting our investment services page!

Famous casino games

1. Poker: It is one of the most popular card games in casinos, which is based on the combination of luck and skill of the player.

2. Blackjack: The goal of this game is to reach the number 21 using cards. The player must have cards with a total value close to 21, without exceeding this number.

3. Roulette: In this game, players bet on which number or color a small ball that spins in a spin will stop.

4. Baccarat: It is one of the simple and popular games in which players bet on their hand or the banker’s hand.

5. Slot Machines: Using different patterns of symbols, these machines allow players to win different prizes with a single spin.

The role of casinos in the local economy

Casios have significant impacts on the local economy. They contribute to the economic growth of the region by attracting tourists, creating employment and increasing tax revenues. In North Cyprus, casinos serve not only as entertainment centers but also as economic engines. By creating job opportunities for local people and attracting foreign investors, casinos play an important role in the economic development of the region.

Advantages and disadvantages of Kazin and Vaha


  • Job creation: Casinos can create many job opportunities, from casino employees to service workers.
  • Attracting tourists: Casinos can attract many tourists to the region as tourist attractions.
  • Increased tax revenues: Revenues from casinos can contribute to the public budget and be used to develop infrastructure and public services.


  • Social problems: Some people may become addicted to casino games and this can lead to social problems.
  • Crimes: Casino activities may be associated with financial crimes and fraud.
  • Damage to families: Some families may be damaged due to financial problems caused by betting.

Also, one of the services of Zahouriyan Investment Company is to provide property purchase services in North Cyprus. These services are performed by our skilled experts and you can get free property purchase advice by visiting our North Cyprus property purchase service page.

مزایا و معایب کازینوها

Advantages and disadvantages of casinos


As entertainment centers, casinos play an important role in attracting tourists and economic development of different regions. Northern Cyprus is one of the popular destinations for those interested in casino and related entertainment, with a variety of modern casinos. The amazing experience in North Cyprus casinos is one of the reasons why many tourists travel to this area. However, it should be noted that in addition to advantages, casinos also have their own disadvantages and require careful management and supervision to avoid possible problems.

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