A comprehensive guide to staying in North Cyprus: essential information

Today, many people decide to migrate or stay in other countries for various reasons, such as business, economy, etc. Meanwhile, choosing the final destination is one of the most important decisions that requires a lot of information and knowledge. One of these countries is Northern Cyprus. North Cyprus has become a popular destination for expats and new residents due to its many advantages. This Mediterranean island with beautiful nature, rich culture, and affordable living costs is an ideal destination for those looking for a new life.

Of course, immigration and residence in North Cyprus is not so easy. Rather, people should have complete and collective information about different immigration methods, living conditions, economic status and income in this country. Since some people are probably not fully aware of these things, in this guide, we will examine the different ways of staying in North Cyprus and the important points related to it.

A comprehensive guide to staying in North Cyprus

A comprehensive guide to staying in North Cyprus

Staying in another country is an achievable dream!

People are always looking for new and interesting experiences, in addition, everyone tries hard to improve their living conditions, but sometimes the economic conditions and the basic principles of life are such that it becomes very difficult to continue. As we said at the beginning of the article, many people prefer to live in a more developed country to achieve a better and simpler life or for other reasons. One of the most positive points of staying in other countries is that a person can be sure of his way of life in the destination country.

In simpler words, when a person is not satisfied with his living conditions in a country, he can settle in another country and have a more comfortable and better lifestyle by collecting his capital and turning it into property or investing in different fields. choose for life But the dream of staying in another country becomes attainable when one’s stay is done with full knowledge and understanding. Otherwise, there are very unpleasant consequences such as loss of capital and lives of individuals.

Of course, getting guidance from knowledgeable and experienced people has a great impact on the success rate of an immigrant. If a person uses the advice of less knowledgeable and pretentious people, even with a small mistake, he will lose all his capital completely. So the best thing to do to have a successful immigration is to consult with knowledgeable people and take smart steps.

How to stay in Cyprus?

Staying in Cyprus is possible under different conditions and methods. In the following section, we introduce some of the easiest and best ways to stay in North Cyprus. Of course, first of all, you should note that each of these methods has specific principles and conditions. Now let’s read the following together to get familiar with these conditions:

1. Work stay in North Cyprus

Business residency is one of the most popular ways to immigrate to North Cyprus. For this type of residency, you must first receive a job offer from an employer in Northern Cyprus. After receiving a job offer, you must obtain a work permit and work visa. With these permits, you can apply for temporary residence. Temporary residence is issued for one year and can be renewed annually. Immigrants should note that during their temporary stay, they should not be out of the country for more than three months, because their residence permit will be automatically revoked.

2. Study stay in North Cyprus

Foreign students can apply for a study visa after receiving admission from the prestigious universities of North Cyprus. After entering the country, they must register their academic residence. This type of residence is also renewed annually and students are allowed to work part-time in certain fields. After completing the study period, students can extend their stay by finding a job or continuing their studies. If a person cannot find a suitable job after completing his studies, or the visa expires, he must return to his country and apply for a visa again.

3. Obtaining residence through investment

One of the fastest ways to obtain residency in North Cyprus is to invest and buy property. By purchasing a property worth at least £125,000, you can obtain temporary residency in this country. This residence can also be extended and after five years, you can apply for permanent residence. Investing in North Cyprus real estate is not only a way to obtain residency, but also an attractive investment opportunity due to the country’s economic growth.

4. Residence in Northern Cyprus through financial means

People who have sufficient financial ability and can prove that they can live in North Cyprus without having to work can apply for residency through financial means. This type of residency requires proof of stable and sufficient income from foreign sources and is renewed annually. After seven years of continuous residence, one can apply for permanent residence. In fact, in this type of residence, the person must provide all the necessary documents of his financial ability to the Cyprus authorities. After reviewing these documents and confirming them, the Cyprus government issues the necessary permit for the person’s residence.

5. Types of short-term visas

There are several types of visas available for people who intend to stay in Northern Cyprus for a short period of time:

  • Tourist visa: valid for 30 days and may be extended up to 90 days if you have a history of repeated entry.
  • Business visa: to participate in meetings, conferences or business activities, valid for 90 days.
  • Visiting relatives visa: to visit family or friends, valid for 60 days.
  • Cultural and sports visa: for artists, athletes, members of political and economic unions, and international researchers.

Cost of living in Northern Cyprus

The cost of living in Northern Cyprus is lower than in many European countries. The prices of housing, services, and basic goods in this country are generally more affordable and living on this island is very attractive from an economic point of view. Of course, it should be noted that the costs in different areas of Northern Cyprus may be different and some areas are more expensive than others. All in all, living in North Cyprus is a good choice for expats due to its low costs and high quality of life.

In the future, if you are looking for investment in North Cyprus, you can refer to the article Investment in North Cyprus 2024 published in Zahorian Investment Company and get more information about investment in this country!

Important tips for staying in North Cyprus

Important tips for staying in North Cyprus

Important tips for staying in North Cyprus

  • Official language: Turkish is the official language of Northern Cyprus, but English is also widely spoken in the country. So, if you are one of those people who do not know English, you should definitely learn Turkish.
  • Climate: The Mediterranean climate of Northern Cyprus with hot summers and mild winters appeals to many people. This island has many attractions in all four seasons of the year and for this reason it is considered an attractive destination for immigrants.
  • Culture and tourist attractions: Northern Cyprus has a rich culture, diverse festivals and many historical and natural attractions that make life in this country enjoyable.
    The process of obtaining a visa and residence in Northern Cyprus

To obtain a visa and stay in North Cyprus, you must follow the following steps:

  • 1. Choosing the type of residence: First, you must choose the type of residence you want to apply for (work, study, investment, financial or short-term).
  • 2. Collect the necessary documents: depending on the type of residence, collect the required documents. These documents may include passports, educational documents, job offers, financial documents, proof of no bad history, etc.
  • 3. Submit your application: Submit your application to the North Cyprus Embassy or Consulate. In some cases, you can also file your claim online.
  • 4. Examining the application and scheduling the interview: After submitting the application for obtaining a visa, the embassy will schedule a specific day for the in-person interview of the embassy counselors with the applicants. In these meetings, questions are asked about how to migrate, the reason for it, etc.
  • 5. Providing the embassy’s response: After conducting the interview, it will take a few days for the embassy to provide its response to the individuals regarding the rejection or acceptance of the application. This answer will be sent to individuals via email or lawyers.
    An overview of the types of accommodation methods in North Cyprus

Northern Cyprus offers different ways to obtain residency for foreigners, including:

  • Buying a property: One of the most popular ways to immigrate to North Cyprus is to buy a property in this country. By buying a property worth at least £70,000, you and your family can apply for permanent residence.
  • Investment: Another way to obtain residency is to invest in North Cyprus. This investment can include starting a business, buying shares in a company or government bonds.
  • Work: If you find a suitable job in Northern Cyprus, you can apply for a work permit and eventually permanent residence.
  • Study: Students who are admitted to universities in North Cyprus can apply for a student residence permit.
  • Marriage: Marriage to a citizen of Northern Cyprus also allows you to apply for residency in this country.
  • Temporary stay: If you plan to stay in Northern Cyprus for less than 90 days, you can apply for a tourist visa.

Procedures for applying for residence in North Cyprus

The procedures for applying for residence in Northern Cyprus will be different depending on the method you choose. However, in general, the steps include:

  • Complete the application form
  • Provide the required documents
  • Payment of expenses
  • Participate in an interview (in some cases)

Also, another service provided by Zahoorian Investment Company is investment services in North Cyprus. By visiting the investment services page of Zahoorian Investment Company, you can get free advice about investing in North Cyprus!

Procedures for applying for residence in North Cyprus

Procedures for applying for residence in North Cyprus

Benefits of staying in Northern Cyprus

All those who think of emigrating are looking for a more comfortable life with better conditions. For this reason, they choose a country that has better conditions for living. North Cyprus is one of those countries that is rapidly growing and developing. For this reason, in recent years, many people from different countries have traveled to this country and after seeing its very good living conditions, they have chosen to immigrate to Northern Cyprus. Staying in North Cyprus has many advantages, including:

  • Pleasant Mediterranean climate
  • Affordable living expenses
  • Tax exemptions for investors
  • Quality health care system
  • Easy access to other European countries

Disadvantages of staying in Northern Cyprus

Big jobs like immigration that change people’s lives have many benefits. But these things, like any other work, have specific disadvantages that people should be aware of before doing them. Staying in Northern Cyprus may also have disadvantages, including:

  • Non-recognition by some countries
  • Relatively small economy
  • Language barriers (Turkish is the official language)

Knowledge of the best accommodation methods

Choosing the best way to stay requires full knowledge of each of the ways and checking the existing conditions of the person. But since probably not everyone has complete information about staying in Cyprus, they will need the guidance of experienced people. Of course, it should be noted that these instructions should be done by knowledgeable and experienced people. Not that anyone with a history of several unsuccessful migrations should give their wrong advice to others. So, if you are one of those people who intend to stay and you don’t know which way to go, you can choose the best way to stay with the guidance of a skilled legal advisor.

On the other hand, you can get all the necessary information about the different ways of staying by visiting our consultants at Zahouriyan and make a fully informed decision about this issue.

final word

Migration is exactly the thing that can turn anyone’s life upside down and bring it to the top, on the other hand, it can bring many lives down from the top and destroy them. So be sure to remember to get the right information and choose the best way to do this in order to have a successful immigration experience. Because immigration can turn all your dreams into a sweet reality.

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