Comparison of North Cyprus hotels with Iran

What country are the most travelers and immigrants from North Cyprus? Since ancient times, Iranians have been very interested in traveling and searching for new attractions. Although the culture and civilization of Iran is very rich and has a lot to say in front of many countries of the world, the many attractions that exist in other countries also have their own beauty. In this article, we are going to compare the hotels of North Cyprus and Iran, the facilities and services offered in each of the hotels of these two countries. to check But what is the reason for this?

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Certainly, the two countries of Iran and North Cyprus are among the main countries that attract many tourists every year. One of the factors that has a great impact on attracting tourists is the hotels of each country. In fact, a good hotel should provide very complete facilities and services to its passengers. For this reason, comparing the hotels of North Cyprus with Iran can show us which country’s hotels are better. Although living in Northern Cyprus is popular for many Iranians, we cannot deny the capabilities and advantages of Iranian countries.

If you are also interested in knowing more about hotels in Iran and Northern Cyprus, be sure to stay with us until the end. Because in this article you can get good information about the hotels of both countries and use them in your travels.

Facilities of Northern Cyprus

If we want to talk about the facilities and conditions of life in North Cyprus in general, we must first of all point out that North Cyprus is one of the developing countries. This country has experienced many ups and downs, each of which had a great positive and negative effect on the conditions of this country. Currently, the cities of Northern Cyprus are equipped with the best facilities for life, although there are still some problems, but in general, the conditions of this country have improved a lot compared to the past.

Regarding the hotels of Northern Cyprus, we must point out that one of the main sources of income in Cyprus is the tourism industry. Since creating a good hotel or accommodation for travelers is very important in attracting tourists, the government of this country has built very well-equipped and suitable hotels.

Facilities of Iran

All of us are definitely familiar with the conditions and possibilities of life in Iran. Iran is one of the largest countries in the Middle East, which has a lot of human and natural resources and talents. The country of Iran has a very rich culture and civilization that attracts many tourists whether they like it or not. A very attractive thing about attracting tourists to Iran is that the historical monuments, culture, civilization, ancient works and art of the people of Iran are so great that it does not need to be advertised and hyped, but its reputation is complicated all over the world.

Since the country of Iran is older compared to Northern Cyprus, it must be said that it has a specific economy and the Brahmin people are engaged in work and life. Although the tourism industry is not the first source of income in Iran, it is definitely very important. For this reason, very attractive hotels have been built in Iran so that travelers can enjoy their trip during their stay in these hotels.

Comparison of North Cyprus hotels with Iran

To compare North Cyprus hotels with Iran, there are various factors that we should pay attention to. These factors include things like the features and services of each hotel. Follow us to check these features:

Features of hotels in Iran and North Cyprus

The most important issue in comparing the hotels of North Cyprus with Iran, which is very important for travelers, is the characteristics of the hotels of these two countries. Undoubtedly, the characteristics of five-star hotels are very different from three-star hotels. In fact, if we want to be honest about this, we must say that many services in the hotels of Northern Cyprus and Iran are similar to each other due to the fact that they have more stars.

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But the important point that we should mention in this section is that some of the facilities offered in North Cyprus are prohibited in Iran. For example, an outdoor swimming pool for men and women is one of the common services that many hotels in North Cyprus offer. But due to the existing laws and traditions in Iran, it is completely forbidden to provide an outdoor swimming pool in public space for women and in some cases even for men.

The cost of hotels in Iran and North Cyprus

Hotel costs are another way to compare North Cyprus hotels with Iran. In this case, we must say that the cost of hotels in Iran is a little more expensive than in Northern Cyprus. Of course, in general, the cost of living in North Cyprus is lower than in other countries. For this reason, people can stay in Cyprus hotels for a few days with a reasonable budget.

Meanwhile, travelers have to pay between 3 and 6 million for a one-night stay in Iranian hotels in the lowest possible case.

Natural scenery in Iran and North Cyprus hotels

One of the most interesting topics that should be mentioned in the comparison of North Cyprus hotels with Iran is the natural scenery of these hotels. In this sense, these two countries have many differences. Because all the hotels in North Cyprus face the beach or eventually the garden.

But in Iran, the situation is slightly different. Because people can have a view of the city and its towering towers by staying in Tehran hotels, they can even feel the city under their feet by choosing rooms located on higher floors. On the other hand, they can stay in hotels in cities like

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Gilan, Mazandaran and even other cities have views of nature, sea, river and natural monuments.

The location of hotels in Iran and North Cyprus

The last issue in comparing North Cyprus hotels with Iran is the locations of these hotels. The easiest way to go to the best hotels in Cyprus is to get off at Arjan Airport. In this airport, you can use all the necessary services such as free transfer and reach the hotel in a short time.

On the other hand, if travelers are staying in Tehran, they can use the hotels of this city by landing at Imam Khomeini Airport. Also, if they are interested in staying in cities, they can travel to any of the Iranian cities through Mehrabad airport and stay in its attractive hotels.

Which country is better for traveling? Northern Cyprus or Iran?

We all know very well what attractions and beautiful historical buildings Iran has. Iran’s culture is much richer compared to the culture of other countries and this has been confirmed to all the people of the world. Every year, a large number of tourists travel to Iran to visit different cities of our country.

But we should not ignore the fact that despite being small, North Cyprus has many attractions. Even many travelers of this country are Iranians who seek new experiences and visit different monuments. So choosing which country is more suitable for traveling depends on the individual’s own taste.

The journey of Iranians to Northern Cyprus and its effects

As we have mentioned in different parts of the article, most of the travelers to Northern Cyprus are Iranians. In addition, a large number of immigrants who intend to stay and invest in Northern Cyprus are Iranians. This shows that Iranians are interested in living in Northern Cyprus and investing in it.

Due to these financial and real estate markets, Cyprus has grown very well, buying property in North Cyprus will be a very successful business. Especially in a situation where someone can start a new business after buying a property and employ many people. For this reason, Iranians are very interested in immigrating and staying in North Cyprus.

final word

Everyone is definitely looking for new experiences in their life. Traveling is exactly what can create very interesting experiences for people. Especially the experience of traveling to a country you have never been to before. In this article, the comparison of North Cyprus hotels with Iran, in addition to presenting the characteristics of the hotels, showed you how each country generates income from the tourism industry and attracting tourists. In addition, investing in this business can have good benefits for its owners. So be sure to travel to North Cyprus once and enjoy its attractions.

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