The best beach to shop in 2021

The best beach to shop in 2021

You probably know very well that today coastal cities and countries are very famous and popular due to their convenient geographical location. Now imagine a very cozy beach town located in one of the safest countries in Asia, where the cost of living is very reasonable. According to this information, what is the first country that comes to your mind? North Cyprus is one of the most popular countries in Asia, which has become a popular destination for immigrants and tourists. Life in North Cyprus is known as an ideal life for many people due to the conditions of this country.

But today we are going to talk about one of the best cities in Northern Cyprus, namely the city of Skele. The waterfront beach is known as the best beach to shop in 2021. But how can you determine if shopping in the waterfront city is worth it? Is it just the cost of buying various things and accessories in this city, or is the overall cost of living there good?

For many of those who are concerned about immigrating to North Cyprus, it is very important to know about the cities of this country and its costs. For this reason, we are going to mention one of the most famous and popular beaches in North Cyprus in this article by introducing the best beach for shopping in 2021.

Pier beach

Pier beach


Northern Cyprus and its attractions

In the distant years, the country of Northern Cyprus was one of the most damaged countries in Asia, which faced a lot of destruction due to various wars. But over time, the government of this country improved the conditions for the lives of its people by building necessary buildings and using practical facilities. Over time, the living conditions in North Cyprus for people improved in such a way that many people from other countries were also interested in living in this country.

But this growth and development was not only limited to the facilities and services of the cities of Cyprus, but also the natural and historical buildings of this country had a great contribution to the growth of North Cyprus. One of the cities that played a big role in the growth of North Cyprus was the city of Skele. The city of Skele is one of the most famous coastal cities in Northern Cyprus. But what do you think is the reason for this popularity?

The best beach for shopping

If you are among those who have had the experience of traveling to North Cyprus and are asked where is the best beach for shopping, which of the coastal cities of Cyprus would you recommend? Skele beach is one of the best beaches in North Cyprus where shopping is done at very reasonable prices. When you ask this question, you might think that shopping should be done only for clothes, food, or a few small items, but contrary to this idea, the rest of the expenses in the seafront city are also very reasonable.

Buying clothes, food, etc

Certainly, anyone who travels to North Cyprus buys a lot of food and supplies from this country. These items can be used as souvenirs or for personal use. But one of the very good things about the Cypriot harbor city, which has made it known as the best beach for shopping, is the very reasonable prices in this city.

In fact, anyone can buy many traditional and industrial tools and equipment at the best price in this city. In addition, all the clothes in the shops of this city are available to the people and even tourists at a very reasonable price. For this reason, the beach is known as the best beach for shopping.

The charms of the harbor city

The charms of the harbor city

Buying property

But one of the most important points that we should mention and consider it as contributing to Iskela being known as the best beach for shopping is buying a property in the city of Iskela. In general, buying a property in North Cyprus has many advantages. Because people can kill two birds with one stone. The first advantage of this work is a long-term investment in North Cyprus.

Another advantage of buying a property in North Cyprus is obtaining a permanent residence in Cyprus. In such a way that individuals can acquire permanent residence in Cyprus by purchasing any property in Cyprus. Since the price of property in the seaport city is very reasonable, many people choose the seaport city of North Cyprus for residence and even investment.

Buying or starting a business

Another important thing about the port city is to start a business or buy local companies. In fact, many immigrants buy old companies that are no longer active and start their own business to create their own business. The purchase of the company or the old brands of the city of Eskele is also done at a very reasonable price.

The advantages of shopping on the waterfront

You might imagine that investing in North Cyprus or buying property in any of the cities of this country has many advantages, so why should people choose the city of Iskela for buying? If you intend to buy a property in a city, do you prefer crowded and noisy cities or cozy and quiet cities? The harbor city of North Cyprus became famous as the best beach for shopping, which, in addition to the very reasonable price, also had very ideal conditions for living.

In addition to the best beach for shopping, the city of Skeleh is known as one of the coziest and safest cities in Northern Cyprus. So that people can walk out of their homes at any time of the day and night to walk along the beach and not worry about disturbing others.

Many of those who choose the city of Skele for shopping and living, have paid attention to its coziness and reasonable cost of living. The seaport city is not only very suitable for living, but also very suitable for shopping, entertainment and even for investment.

The attractions of the port city

In addition to being known as the best beach for shopping due to its reasonable costs, the city of Skeleh also has excellent tourist attractions. St. Andrew’s Church, traditional market, and cozy and beautiful beaches are the main tourist attractions of the seaport city.

In addition, due to the interest of tourists in this city, many hotels of North Cyprus have been built in the city of Skele. In terms of geographical location, the city of Skele has very good access to other cities in Cyprus. For this reason, many immigrants choose this city for their residence.

The coastal city of Keleh

The coastal city of Keleh


The waterfront city has been recognized as the best beach to shop in 2021. But the reason for this is not only the reasonable cost of living or shopping in this country, but also investment, buying and selling of property and other economic activities have made the coastal city of Iskeleh become the best beach for shopping. A beach that, in addition to the very reasonable costs of living, is a safe and cozy environment to get away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life.