The difference between North Cyprus and South Cyprus passports

The difference between North Cyprus and South Cyprus passports

Traveling to different countries, immigrating to dream countries and reaching an ideal life are those big changes that may happen in anyone’s life. Since living in North Cyprus is popular for many Iranians today, many try to stay in this country. But the most important thing about Cyprus is which part of Cyprus, North Cyprus or South Cyprus, is suitable for living? Or what is the difference between North Cyprus and South Cyprus passports?

Of course, you know that the two countries of North Cyprus and South Cyprus are separated from each other for some reasons. Of course, in this article we will have an overview of the past of these two countries and their events. But one of the main questions in the minds of many immigrants is which country is better for immigration? How can one reach suitable living conditions in one of these two countries?

Of course, both the countries of North Cyprus and South Cyprus have certain conditions, but nevertheless, they also have very clear differences that we mention in this article. But since obtaining residence is the most important issue for immigrants, we intend to understand the immigration and residence conditions in each of these countries by examining the difference between the passports of North Cyprus and South Cyprus. So stay with us to learn about the passports of both countries.

North Cyprus and South Cyprus passport fee

North Cyprus and South Cyprus passport fee

The events that happened years ago…

If we want to talk about the history of the two countries of North Cyprus and South Cyprus, we must mention various events. Years ago, the Republic of Cyprus was a country in the heart of the Mediterranean Sea that had created relatively good conditions for the lives of its citizens. But in 1974, everything changed. In that year, two countries, Türkiye and Greece, attacked this country with the aim of taking over Cyprus.

In many cities of Cyprus, there was a lot of damage and destruction. Many buildings and people’s houses were destroyed and their living conditions changed. After some time, the war between these two countries ended and with the agreements between Greece and Turkey, Cyprus was divided into North Cyprus and South Cyprus. Since the same year, Turkey has dominated Northern Cyprus and Greece has dominated Southern Cyprus.

The degree of dominance of these two countries on North Cyprus and South Cyprus is so much that many opinions, cultures and tastes of the people of North Cyprus and South Cyprus were formed based on the people of Turkey and Greece. But over time, other things happened…

Living conditions in Northern Cyprus

After the war, Northern Cyprus suffered a lot of damage. Many cities of Northern Cyprus were destroyed in such a way that their development lasted for years. But in the end, the government of Cyprus started to equip facilities in this country for the growth and development of its country. Each of the cities of Northern Cyprus, which did not have even the most basic facilities, are now equipped with the best services.

Currently, the quality of life in North Cyprus has grown well. In fact, the government of Cyprus made the name of North Cyprus popular by using services, facilities and providing positive points to tourists and immigrants. Currently, living, migrating and traveling to North Cyprus is one of the things that many people do every year. In addition, since the economic and tourism conditions in Cyprus have grown well, many tourists visit this country every year.

Living conditions in South Cyprus

If we want to refer to the situation of South Cyprus in the post-war period, we must say that this country was able to grow and develop in a shorter period of time. In fact, Greece’s dominance over this country caused this growth and development. The growth of the economic situation and the living conditions of the people was such that today the country of South Cyprus is one of the member states of the European Union and is recognized by all the countries of the world.

Compared to North Cyprus, South Cyprus was able to achieve this growth and development in a shorter period of time. While North Cyprus was still involved in solving problems and using facilities and services, South Cyprus became an official member of the European Union. For this reason, staying in this country has a lot of credit for other countries of the world.

Immigrate to North Cyprus or South Cyprus!

As you know, the topic of immigration is always one of the hottest topics that occupy the minds of many people. Many people who are not familiar with the countries of North Cyprus and South Cyprus, this question arises in their minds, which country is better to immigrate to? Or what is the difference between North Cyprus and South Cyprus passports?

Well, surely by now you have noticed the differences between the two countries of North and South Cyprus. Each of these countries has different conditions for accepting immigrants and offers permanent residence over a period of several years. But before we know which country is suitable for living, we need to understand what is the difference between North Cyprus and South Cyprus passport and how to get this passport?

The process of getting a North Cyprus and South Cyprus passport

The process of getting a North Cyprus and South Cyprus passport

The difference between North Cyprus and South Cyprus passports

The first step to understand the difference between a North Cyprus passport and a South Cyprus passport is to check all the determining criteria. In the following section, we will express these differences:

Passport validity among the countries of the world

The first thing we should mention about the difference between the North Cyprus and South Cyprus passports is the validity of each of these passports. As we mentioned in the previous section, South Cyprus is recognized by many countries in the world. This means that if someone holds a South Cyprus passport, they can travel to more than 170 countries without the need for a visa. This topic is very suitable for those who like to travel to European countries. Because they can travel to the best countries in the world without worry.

On the other hand, South Cyprus is recognized only by Turkey. Maybe some other countries accept only the passport of this country, but it is definitely not as valid as the passport of South Cyprus. In this way, people who have the passport of South Cyprus can travel to only seven countries in the world without a visa. America, England, Turkey, Australia, Tanzania, Pakistan and Angola are the seven countries that accept the passport of Northern Cyprus.

The process of obtaining a passport

One of the most important differences between North Cyprus and South Cyprus passports is the process of obtaining a passport. The country of Northern Cyprus has generally considered easier conditions for accepting its immigrants. So that people can immigrate to this country through methods such as investing or buying property in North Cyprus. Then, having a residence card, they can live in this country for a while and after a certain period of time, get a passport of Northern Cyprus. Since investing in North Cyprus is one of the easiest ways to immigrate to this country in various ways, many immigrants use this method.

On the other hand, the conditions of South Cyprus for accepting immigrants and providing permanent passports are a little more difficult. In South Cyprus, in addition to choosing the right method for immigration, a person must submit identity documents, proof of no bad history and other necessary documents to the embassy of this country. Then, by setting the appointment and conducting the interview, the South Cyprus Embassy will give its vote for the development or acceptance of the visa application. In this country, as in North Cyprus, a person must reside in this country for a period of time between 7 and 11 years in order to obtain a passport and permanent residence in South Cyprus.

The cost of obtaining a passport

Another thing that plays a role in determining the difference between a North Cyprus passport and a South Cyprus passport is the cost of obtaining a passport. The cost of getting a Northern Cyprus passport can be done with about several thousand dollars. If people have to pay millions of dollars to get a South Cyprus passport. In fact, it can be said that the cost of obtaining a North Cyprus passport is lower than that of a South Cyprus passport.

Global ranking of passports

The last difference between the North Cyprus and South Cyprus passports is the ranking of the passports. In this case, South Cyprus has a better performance than North Cyprus. In fact, the South Cyprus passport is ranked 15th in the world and is one of the most reliable passports in the world.

How to immigrate to North Cyprus and South Cyprus?

At the beginning of the article, we pointed out that today immigration has occupied the minds of many people. The reason for this is that today there are many consultants who prevent you from getting a residence in North Cyprus or South Cyprus by giving wrong advice. For this reason, people think that immigrating to North Cyprus and South Cyprus is a difficult and difficult process. In fact, the conditions for providing passports can be considered as one of the differences between North Cyprus and South Cyprus passports…

But contrary to this belief, there are very easy conditions for immigrating to these two countries. In fact, individuals can obtain residence in both North and South Cyprus through methods such as investment, property purchase, education, marriage, and even business creation. Since the economic growth of North Cyprus is very favorable today, migration to North Cyprus through investment is one of the most beneficial economic activities, which in addition to creating long-term investment in Cyprus and achieving great profits, also brings residence in this country.

Comparison of North Cyprus and South Cyprus passports

In order to know which country’s passport is better or which country’s passport to get according to our circumstances, we should compare these two passports according to the difference between North Cyprus and South Cyprus passports.

The passport of Northern Cyprus may not be valid all over the world, but it is very suitable for those who travel to and from Turkey. Because these two countries have a close relationship with each other and the Cyprus passport is very valid for Turkey. In addition, the cost of obtaining a North Cyprus passport is lower and even the process of immigrating to this country is easier.

But on the other hand, for those who intend to travel to other European countries, the South Cyprus passport has more advantages. The passport of South Cyprus is recognized by all the countries of the world and people do not need a visa to travel to those countries. The same process of not needing to obtain a visa reduces costs and saves time. The cost of getting a South Cyprus passport may be higher than that of North Cyprus, but the South Cyprus visa is more valid.

Which country’s passport is better?

By stating this information about the difference between North Cyprus and South Cyprus passports, the question of which country’s passport is better will probably arise in the minds of many. Well, of course, this is not something that anyone can talk about with certainty. Because everyone has a specific goal of getting a North or South Cyprus passport. But according to the points mentioned in the previous section, you probably know which country to apply for a passport according to your own circumstances.

An important point that we should mention in this section is that you should never involve the personal experience of other people in the process of getting your passport, because it is possible that the person’s goal of getting a passport is different from yours, and there is a different way to get a passport. has taken action To get a passport, consult only skilled lawyers and experienced people in this field.

North Cyprus and South Cyprus passport validity

North Cyprus and South Cyprus passport validity

final word

By stating the difference between North Cyprus and South Cyprus passports, you probably know which country’s living conditions are more compatible with your dreams and how you can get a passport for each country. So, if you intend to achieve your dream life, be sure to apply for the residence of your desired country. Because living in any of these countries can make big changes in the process of reaching your dreams. You can also use the guidance and advice of our consultants at Zahouriyan to learn more about the difference between North Cyprus and South Cyprus passports.

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