Distance between the cities of Northern Cyprus

Distance between the cities of Northern Cyprus

If they ask you to tell all your information and knowledge about the city of North Cyprus, what would you say? Do you think Northern Cyprus is a good country to live in? Or are cities suitable places for new immigrants to live? Life in Northern Cyprus has attracted the attention of many Iranians in recent years. But this issue has various reasons. One of these reasons is the living conditions in the cities of Northern Cyprus and their proximity to each other. In fact, the distance between the cities of Northern Cyprus is such that citizens can travel from one city to another without any problems.

But the whole reason why Iranians are interested in living in Northern Cyprus does not end here. Rather, the distance between the cities of Northern Cyprus is only one advantage of this country. In this article, we are going to introduce the country of Cyprus and the distance between the cities of Northern Cyprus. Maybe at first glance, knowing the distance between the cities of North Cyprus is not a very important issue, but if you intend to immigrate, travel and even invest in this country, you must get complete information about each and every city in this country.

Different cities of Northern Cyprus

Different cities of Northern Cyprus

From the past to the present with the country of Northern Cyprus

You probably imagine that North Cyprus is a small country in the Mediterranean Sea that doesn’t have a large area or many cities, this opinion is a little true, maybe North Cyprus is a small country in the heart of the Mediterranean Sea, but it has many very nice cities. First of all, we must point out that in the past years, North Cyprus faced many shortcomings. Of course, these deficiencies are caused by the wars and attacks of Turkey and other countries on Northern Cyprus.

In 1974, a war broke out during which Cyprus was divided into North and South Cyprus. The southern part of this country was under the control of Greece and the northern part was under the rule of Turkey. Shortly after the war, the government of Northern Cyprus faced many shortages in its various cities. These shortages were such that even the citizens had to travel long distances on difficult routes to meet their basic needs. In this way, the quality of life in Northern Cyprus was greatly reduced and the living conditions of the people were not suitable at all.

After some time, in order to improve the living conditions of the people of their country, the government of Northern Cyprus gradually reduced Turkish domination and started equipping its cities with basic facilities and services. The construction of hospitals, clinics, pharmacies, health centers, stores, various schools, road repair, etc. were among the most basic services that were performed in this country during those years. Little by little, each of the cities of North Cyprus became a suitable place to live.

Immigrate to Cyprus and live in its best cities

With the growth and development of cities and tourism and agriculture industries in this country, North Cyprus became the focus of many people. Considering the working conditions in North Cyprus, many Iranians became interested in living in this country and decided to immigrate there. But one of the most common questions that arose in their minds is, considering the distance between the cities of Northern Cyprus, which city is better for living?

To answer this question, the distance between the cities of Northern Cyprus is only a small part that should be taken into account. But people should know first of all that each of the cities of North Cyprus has grown and developed in a certain area. For example, Guzet-Yort city is one of the small cities of Northern Cyprus, which has grown very well in the field of agriculture and its products. Or the city of Nicosia is the capital of Northern Cyprus, which is growing very well in the field of work and business and the establishment of new companies.

But knowing the distance between the cities of North Cyprus helps people to choose their place of residence more carefully. In addition, it helps them to choose a city to live in that has easier access to other cities according to their needs in other areas or fields.

Distance between the cities of Northern Cyprus

Northern Cyprus is one of those countries whose cities are at a reasonable distance from each other. In fact, it is now easier for the citizens of this country to pass through than in the past. In the following section, we will refer to the distance between the cities of Northern Cyprus determined according to the distance of the roads:

Distance between Salamis and Kyrenia: 20 km
Nicosia (Lefkosha) to Girne (Kyrenia): 24 km
Nicosia (Lefkosha) to Famagusta (Magusa): 60 km
Distance between Salamis and Famagusta: 30 km
Kyrenia (Kyrenia) to Famagusta (Magusa): 80 km
Distance between Salamis and Caravaggio: 40 km
Nicosia (Lefkosha) to Gozliort: 45 km
Kyrenia (Kyrenia) to Gozliort: 65 km
Famagusta (Magusa) to Gozlevert: 95 km
Distance between Salamis and Larnaca: 70 km

The cities mentioned above are the main cities of Northern Cyprus, which have the largest number of citizens. The distance between these cities is very convenient and citizens can travel long distances by car and reach their destination city.

The distance between the cities of Northern Cyprus

The distance between the cities of Northern Cyprus

Investment in North Cyprus!

Many of those who travel to North Cyprus every year, go to this country for sightseeing and recreation. But many people also travel to this country with the purpose of investing. But why do you think people should choose a small country like North Cyprus for investment? The country of Northern Cyprus has been able to grow and develop very well in recent years. Each and every financial and real estate market of this country has good conditions and many people consider investing in North Cyprus as a very suitable economic activity.

On the other hand, the investment rate in this country is very reasonable. For example, buying a property in North Cyprus is one of the easiest investment methods that is very popular today. This is because, firstly, the price of property in the cities of Northern Cyprus is very reasonable, and on the other hand, buying property in this country is considered a long-term investment.

Since the cities of North Cyprus are not far from each other, any person can buy a suitable property in any of the cities of this country that have very good access. In this way, he can invest in this country and use its other advantages. But what do you think are the other advantages of investing in North Cyprus?

Residence in Northern Cyprus with investment

So far, we have pointed out that due to the small distance between the cities of Northern Cyprus, anyone can buy and invest in a very suitable property in the main cities of this country that have good access. But the main advantage of investing in North Cyprus, which has attracted the attention of immigrants and investors, is obtaining permanent residence in this country. In simpler terms, individuals can obtain permanent residence in North Cyprus by investing in it.

It doesn’t matter which area people have chosen to invest. The government of Cyprus has considered very positive points for investors in order to attract more investors and turn the economic wheel of its country. In fact, they can obtain permanent residence in Northern Cyprus by investing in various fields. In simpler words, they kill two birds with one stone.

Knowledge of the cities of Cyprus before immigration

Certainly, many of those who are not satisfied with their living conditions or are looking for more ideal conditions. They go to immigration. Although immigrating to North Cyprus is a simple process, it should be noted that every immigrant must have correct information about the cities of this country. The distance between the cities of Northern Cyprus is the first thing that everyone should know about this country before immigrating to Cyprus.

Because knowing the distance between the cities of North Cyprus, on the one hand, helps people to make better decisions about choosing their place of residence, and on the other hand, it helps them to be familiar with all the commuting routes and not have problems traveling to other cities. Maybe in the past, many of the inner and outer city roads of this country were not suitable and people had to endure a lot of difficulty to cross them, but now many of these problems have been solved and citizens can easily go from one city to another.

The route of the cities of Northern Cyprus

The route of the cities of Northern Cyprus


Northern Cyprus, apart from being a very suitable place for travel and recreation, is also considered a suitable country for immigration, work and even life. Although this country cannot be called an advanced country and facilities equal to those of developed countries, in general, the living conditions in North Cyprus are suitable. The appropriate distance between the cities of Northern Cyprus and the very good accessibility on road routes have made citizens have no problem traveling outside the city.

These factors have made North Cyprus a popular country for work, migration and recreation. So, if you are also interested in discovering new experiences and seeing attractive countries like North Cyprus, you must visit this country once. You can also contact our consultants at Zahouriyan and get all the information you need in the shortest possible time.

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