The city of Varosha, Northern Cyprus

The city of Varosha, Northern Cyprus

Northern Cyprus is one of the most beautiful countries in Asia, which has experienced many events in recent years. From wars and war damage to growth and development in the financial and real estate markets are among the events that have happened to Cyprus in recent years. Due to the growth of the quality of life in North Cyprus, many Iranians and even residents of other countries are interested in immigrating and living in North Cyprus. However, the first thing to know before moving to North Cyprus is to know the cities of North Cyprus. One of the strangest and most mysterious cities is Varosha, Northern Cyprus.

Perhaps you have heard the name of the city of Varosha in Northern Cyprus so far. In fact, Northern Cyprus has very attractive cities whose facilities, services and attractions are famous for many tourists, that’s why few people have correct information about the city of Varosha. But since we always try to discover new experiences, in this article we want to explore the city of Warsaw and the stories hidden in it.

So if you are looking for new topics, stay with us until the end of this article to get complete information about the city of Varosha, Northern Cyprus.

The city of Marash, Northern Cyprus

The city of Marash, Northern Cyprus

History of Northern Cyprus

Probably, many people do not have detailed information about the history of Northern Cyprus. Or even in the opinion of many people of Northern Cyprus, like many countries in the world, it is a small country in the Mediterranean Sea that has a certain routine. But you should know that North Cyprus, with its small area, has gone through various events.

The Republic of Cyprus was a beautiful and attractive country in the Mediterranean Sea that was in a relatively good condition. In 1974, the Turkish and Greek governments attacked Cyprus and divided Cyprus into two parts, the south and the north. After the end of these wars, which caused a lot of damage, the northern part of Cyprus came under the rule of Turkey and the part of southern Cyprus came under the rule of Greece.

In the past years, South Cyprus was able to become a developed and well-equipped country in a shorter period of time. So much so that it became a member of the European Union and took the name of European Cyprus. But Northern Cyprus faced many shortages and problems. So much so that the citizens of the cities of Northern Cyprus did not even have the most basic facilities. Over time, the government of this country expanded the services and facilities of the cities of this country to solve the problems and create a better condition for life. After years of scarcity, Northern Cyprus has become a good country to live in.

The heyday of Varosha, Northern Cyprus

The city of Varosha in Northern Cyprus was one of the most attractive and best cities in this country, which attracted many tourists every year. The population of this city was normally around 3900 people, but due to the very good facilities that existed in this city, around 7000 people visited this city every year. The very good access of this city to the beach and natural attractions had attracted the attention of all tourists.

Due to the large number of tourists in this city, about 100 hotels were built in the city of Varosha, North Cyprus, which had a total capacity of about 95,000. Many famous people chose Warosha for their trip and mentioned the fascinating memories of their trip to this city, but suddenly the outbreak of war changed everything…

What happened to the city of Varosha, Northern Cyprus…

Each of the cities of Northern Cyprus suffered a lot of damages during the war. But one of the strangest cities that suffered a lot of damage during the wars of 1974 and did not return to its original state even after years, was the city of Warosha. The city of Varosha or Marash, which is known as the ghost city, is known as a lost city in Northern Cyprus. This city was in a very good condition before the war. There were many hotels in this city that housed foreign tourists. In addition, the very good access of this city to the beach had attracted the attention of many tourists.

But when the wars between Turkey and Greece started, the most damage was done to the city of Varosha in Northern Cyprus. In fact, both Turkey and Greece had a war over the ownership of the city of Varosha. For this reason, they planned to take over this city with numerous attacks. Finally, Turkey managed to take ownership of Varosha city in Northern Cyprus, but this ownership was not the end of the story…

After that, the Northern Cyprus city of Varosha became a military restricted zone. In fact, the government of Northern Cyprus had chosen the city of Varosha in Northern Cyprus to launch many of its attacks. Because this city had a very good location and the Turkish government could easily attack other parts of southern Cyprus.

The ghost town of Northern Cyprus

The ghost town of Northern Cyprus

The regrowth of Varosha, Northern Cyprus

Many statesmen and officials of North Cyprus have stated in their interviews that they intend to renovate and improve the city of Varosha, North Cyprus, or the ghost town. Although the city of Varosha has gone through many ups and downs so far, it is possible to return this city to its peak days by using new services, facilities and constructions.

Since many years the residents of Varosha city of Northern Cyprus fled from this city, Varosha city became known as the ghost town. The lack of people in this city was such that even after years of Turkish-Greek war, there are still many traces of the war in this city. The existence of these works contributed to the abandonment of the city and caused many people to consider Varosha as a ghost city.

Is the city of Varosha livable in the future?

Certainly, the situation of Varosha city in Northern Cyprus is not going to remain the same. According to the talks made by the authorities of Cyprus, full facilities and services are supposed to be used in this city and its buildings will be rebuilt or repaired. In fact, if we want to speak more honestly, we must say that the North Cyprus government cannot leave this city alone. Because this is a great loss for the country.

But what is the harm of this? As we said, the city of Varosha in Northern Cyprus has a very good location and accessibility. It was also very popular with tourists in the pre-war period. Therefore, if the government of Cyprus wants to be indifferent to this city, it will lose one of its most important tourist cities. For this reason, Northern Cyprus should not be indifferent to the reconstruction of the city of Varosha.

The reconstruction of the city of Varosha, Northern Cyprus, on the one hand, will attract tourists again, and on the other hand, it will create a new and updated atmosphere for the life of immigrants. Since many people immigrate to North Cyprus every year, the government can make Varosha a suitable environment for immigrants by renovating it.

Travel to Cyprus for investment purposes

As we said, the financial and real estate markets of North Cyprus are now in good condition. Since North Cyprus is a new and developing country, its various markets are thriving, which is why they have been able to attract the attention of many investors in recent times. Of course, the prosperity of the financial and real estate markets is not the only advantage of investing in North Cyprus.

In fact, people who travel to North Cyprus for the purpose of investment can obtain permanent residence in this country in addition to performing economic activities. Today, immigration through investment to North Cyprus is one of the easiest and best ways to immigrate.

In addition, people can invest in different fields. For example, buying a property in North Cyprus is one of the main investment methods that have long-term profitability. In addition to those persons who invest in this way, they can also obtain Cyprus residency.

The most mysterious city of Northern Cyprus

The most mysterious city of Northern Cyprus


Maybe in the past, the cities of Cyprus faced many shortages and problems, even now the cities of this country need much more services and facilities, but in general, it can be said that the situation of the cities of this country is suitable. The fact that the city of Varosha has remained as it was before and became known as the ghost city is something that should be seriously pursued. Because this city was one of the main cities of Northern Cyprus that played a big role in attracting tourists.

But due to various events, today it has become an abandoned city. Of course, we must point out that changing the name of Varosha to the city of ghosts made this city famous. Because with this, many people are curious to know the ghost town of North Cyprus.

In any case, the government of North Cyprus should think about the reconstruction of the city of Varosha, North Cyprus, in order to further promote and grow itself. Because the existence of this city has many advantages for the government of Cyprus. You can contact our consultants at Zahouriyan to get more information about this mysterious and interesting city.

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