North Cyprus Hospitals

North Cyprus Hospitals

In any country, hospitals play an essential role in human life. Because a person is involved with many injuries, problems and diseases throughout his life. For this reason, one of the main facilities in any country are proper hospitals. But in your opinion, what other facilities can improve the conditions for human life? North Cyprus is one of the small Asian countries in the heart of the Mediterranean Sea, which has good conditions for living. In fact, due to these conditions, living in North Cyprus is known as a good migration for many people.

Of course, it cannot be said that the good facilities and services of a country are only limited to the hospital or its treatment facilities. Rather, the presence of other facilities and services also play a role, but since many people are not familiar with distant topics such as hospitals in North Cyprus, we intend to mention the best hospitals in North Cyprus and their performance in this section.

Certainly, there are important criteria and conditions to have a decent life in a country like North Cyprus, but knowing about the hospitals in North Cyprus also has various benefits. So in order to gain more understanding and knowledge of Cyprus. Stay with us until the end of this article.

Northern Cyprus and its history

Probably by now, many people have information about the history of North Cyprus or the events that happened in this country. But since the history of this country is still unfamiliar to some people, we must mention the events that happened in the past in this section. The Republic of Cyprus was a country in the Mediterranean Sea that was considered a safe place for its citizens to live in relatively good conditions. But in the 1970s, a war broke out that completely changed the future of this country.

In that decade, two countries, Turkey and Greece, attacked this country in order to take over Cyprus, since the Republic of Cyprus had different cities, Turkey and Greece divided this country into two halves according to their geographical location. Thus, the Republic of Cyprus was divided into North and South Cyprus.

After that, Turkey dominated North Cyprus and Greece dominated South Cyprus. Many cities of this country were considered as a military zone during the war, so many facilities and services of this country were destroyed. For example, the city of Varosha, Northern Cyprus, was one of the most attractive cities in this country, which became famous as a military zone during the war. The damage and destruction of this city is so much that now the city of Varosha is known as a ghost town and no one lives there anymore. does not have.

Private hospitals in Northern Cyprus

Private hospitals in Northern Cyprus

The passage of time and the prosperity of North Cyprus

Since life is not going to turn on one cycle, the government of Northern Cyprus decided to improve the living conditions in Northern Cyprus by implementing basic life facilities and services. Over time, the facilities and services of North Cyprus cities improved and these cities became suitable places for citizens to live. At that time, the shortcomings of life were such that citizens had to walk long distances to meet their most basic needs.

Because as a result of the war, many inner city and even suburban roads were damaged. But over time, the roads were repaired, facilities and services such as shops, clinics, health centers and hospitals of North Cyprus were put into operation. In the meantime, it is not bad to mention one of the best of these services, which is the hospitals of North Cyprus.

The role of hospitals during war!

If they ask you, what is the role of hospitals in North Cyprus during the war in this country, or what is the general role of hospitals in any war? What do you answer? Certainly, in such difficult times, hospitals play a very important role. In situations where there is a possibility of death or irreparable damage at any moment, the existence of well-equipped hospitals is the best savior.

It cannot be said definitively that the hospitals of North Cyprus did not play a role during the war, because many cities and regions of this country were damaged during that time. In addition, even after the war, the effects of these damages were visible everywhere in the city. But with the reconstruction of the cities of Cyprus, the improvement of hospitals in North Cyprus was prioritized…

North Cyprus Hospitals

North Cyprus hospitals are working in both private and public ways. Each of these hospitals has very suitable facilities that can take care of patients. There are two very interesting points about North Cyprus hospitals, the first point is that Turkish Cypriots or expatriates can use the services and facilities of public hospitals by using the health insurance (TRNC). The cost of using these facilities is very suitable for Turkish Cypriots and of course immigrants.

Another thing about using North Cyprus hospitals is that everyone who visits these hospitals must have their own medical card. Medical cards in North Cyprus are divided into different categories. In fact, people can use the services and facilities of North Cyprus hospitals depending on the medical card they have. The best public hospitals in Cyprus are located in Famagusta, Lefkosha and Kyrenia.

Types of treatment cards in North Cyprus

As we mentioned in the previous section, to use the services of any hospital, people need medical cards. Medical cards are divided into three categories:

Type A treatment card

The first type of treatment card is type A cards. These cards, which are also known as the most beneficial treatment cards, are pink in color. In addition, with this card in hand, people can use all the services of North Cyprus hospitals for free. This card is issued to families who have 4 or more children, are government employees, or spend their lives using services and facilities.

North Cyprus State Hospitals

North Cyprus State Hospitals

Type B treatment card

Another type of treatment card is type B cards. These cards are blue. By using these cards, people can use all the services and facilities of North Cyprus hospitals at half price. Those who use this card should not have any dependents such as spouse or children. In addition, the hospital staff should calculate their total treatment costs and then collect half of the amount from them.

Type C treatment card

Type C treatment card, which is the last of the treatment cards, does not have any special features, only essential information such as names of persons, names of dependents, national number, serial number and expiration date are included in this card. In fact, these cards are a kind of identity proof.

Private or public hospitals, which one is better?

In this section, we are going to make a comparison between public and private hospitals in Northern Cyprus. In Cyprus, like all other countries, hospitals are divided into private and public sectors. The first thing we should mention about these hospitals is the costs related to each hospital. The cost of treatment in private hospitals is higher than in public hospitals. It does not matter which city of Cyprus this hospital is located in, in general, the cost of treatment in private hospitals is higher than in public ones.

But on the other hand, if we want to mention the facilities and services of these hospitals, we must say that the services, facilities and procedures of private hospitals are better than public hospitals. In the way that many tourists, expats and tourists prefer to go to private hospitals to use medical services.

Of course, there are very skilled doctors in public hospitals, but since the services in private hospitals are better, most people’s attention is drawn to these hospitals. On the other hand, to use the services of public hospitals, people must have some kind of medical card. If in private hospitals, they can use its services without doing anything.

Types of hospitals in North Cyprus

In this section, we are going to mention the types of hospitals in North Cyprus, both in the private sector and in the public sector. Knowing about these hospitals can help people a lot in times of need:

Private hospitals of Nicosia/Lefkosha
Girne private hospitals
Famagusta private hospitals
Nicosia/Lefkosha State Hospital (Dr. Burhan Nalbantoğlu State Hospital)
Girne State Hospital (Girne Akçiçek State Hospital)
Lefkada State Hospital (Cengiz Topel State Hospital)
Famagusta State Hospital
The cost of medical services in Cyprus hospitals

One of the main issues that is a concern for many Cypriot citizens is the cost of medical services in North Cyprus hospitals. Accurately determining the cost of medical services is completely different depending on the type of disease and the type of treatment. In addition, the rate of medical services in public and private hospitals is completely different. But individuals can use insurance and life accident services in North Cyprus to reduce their costs. They can receive a large part of their treatment costs using this insurance.

Current conditions for living in Northern Cyprus

The country of Cyprus has gone through many events and happenings. Maybe in the past, this country did not have good living conditions, but now this country has become a growing and developing country. Things like investing in North Cyprus in various fields is one of the most beneficial economic activities that can create a bright future for individuals.

In addition, by buying a house in North Cyprus, people can make a long-term investment and obtain permanent residence in this country. So, if you are looking for a country to immigrate to, to create better conditions for your life, it is not a bad idea to take a trip to North Cyprus and get to know the living conditions in this country.

Northern Cyprus medical services

Northern Cyprus medical services

last word

At present, the hospitals of North Cyprus have been provided to the people and citizens of this country with the best facilities and services. Maybe before, North Cyprus hospitals had many problems and could not even solve the most basic problems of the citizens, but now these hospitals have become the best medical centers. If you intend to immigrate and live in North Cyprus, you should fully familiarize yourself with the services and medical facilities of this country. You can also use the advice and guidance of our consultants at Zahouriyan Company and experience a better life in North Cyprus.

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