Cruise to Northern Cyprus

Cruise to Northern Cyprus

What is the most interesting way to travel to different countries or cities that you have experienced? Definitely, a sea trip is one of the most attractive ways to travel to different countries, which has many beauties. In this type of travel, people can look at the rough sea and enjoy its beauty. Have you ever heard of a cruise to North Cyprus? How do you think it is possible to travel to this country by sea?

Today, North Cyprus is one of the most popular destinations for tourists and immigrants. Many people from neighboring countries are interested in living in North Cyprus. Of course, we must point out that the high level of quality of life in Northern Cyprus has caused this. But in any case, there are different ways to travel to North Cyprus, one of these ways is a sea trip to North Cyprus.

Probably, many people do not know about the way to travel by sea to North Cyprus and how it is. Of course, it is quite natural, because most of those who travel to this country prefer to travel by air. However, in this article, we are going to explain to you one of the best ways to travel to this beautiful country by providing information about a cruise to North Cyprus.

Travel by boat to Northern Cyprus

Travel by boat to Northern Cyprus

An overview of the conditions of Northern Cyprus

If you are interested in studying the history of different countries, you probably know that Northern Cyprus is one of the most turbulent countries that has gone through various events in recent years. In 1974, two countries, Türkiye and Greece, attacked this country and intended to take over it. After a period of time, Cyprus was divided into two parts, the northern part of which was under the rule of Turkey and the southern part of it was under the rule of Greece.

Over time, this dominance decreased and the two countries of Northern and Southern Cyprus were able to provide better conditions for the lives of their citizens. Of course, the country of South Cyprus grew and developed in less time compared to North Cyprus. Currently, many of the shortcomings of the cities of Northern Cyprus have been compensated and this country has become one of the most popular countries in Asia.

Of course, this popularity is not only for increasing the facilities and services of this country, but the growth of the tourism industry led to this popularity. In fact, Northern Cyprus is a country that has many natural resources and historical monuments. For this reason, there is no shortage of history and civilization, and this history and civilization has attracted the attention of many tourists. Therefore, every year many tourists travel to this country in different ways.

Cruise to Northern Cyprus

If you want to take a trip to Northern Cyprus, which way do you choose to travel? Undoubtedly, air travel to North Cyprus is the easiest way to travel to this country. This method of travel is very convenient and does not require any special work, although it costs more than other methods. Another way to travel is by land to Northern Cyprus. In this way of travel, people travel a much longer route, but they definitely enjoy the route from city to city and spend less money.

But there is a third way of traveling, which we call a sea trip to Northern Cyprus. It might be interesting for you to know that nowadays a cruise to North Cyprus is one of the most attractive ways to travel to this country. Because this way of traveling is done by sea and has amazing beauty.

On a cruise to North Cyprus, part of the route is done by bus or private car. In this way, people can enter Turkey or the city of Van by buying a bus ticket or by using a private car and move to the south of Turkey. After that, they reach the port of Mersin. In this port, they have to use a ship to reach the cities of Kyrenia or Famagusta.

A cruise to North Cyprus is very comfortable and does not have any particular fear or stress, in addition, people can enjoy the charms of the Mediterranean Ocean with a cruise to North Cyprus and reach North Cyprus in a short period of time.

Cruise with private cars!

In the previous part, we mentioned that to travel from Tehran or other cities to Turkey, people can get to Turkey by purchasing a ticket or using a private car. Many people prefer to travel this route using their own car. Because it is more comfortable. In this way, after arriving at the port of Mersin, they can load their car onto the ship and, paying a certain amount, transfer their car to Northern Cyprus.

Using a private car in North Cyprus makes it easy for people to use their own car for commuting in the city and traveling outside the city.

The charms of traveling by ship

The charms of traveling by ship

The cost of a cruise to Northern Cyprus

One of the positive points that has made sea travel to North Cyprus more popular is the reasonable cost of this type of travel. While you have to pay a lot of money for air travel to North Cyprus, people can travel from Tehran to North Cyprus by land and sea by paying 550 lira. Of course, the exact amount of this price is completely different in different seasons and special days. But in general, there is a basic cost for a cruise to North Cyprus, which is around 550 lira.

Is sea travel dangerous?

With the increasing popularity of sea travel to North Cyprus, many people think that this type of travel has many risks. Because the ocean and its waves cannot be predicted and at any moment there is a possibility of the sea becoming stormy. In response to this, we must say that all cruises to North Cyprus or any other country are carried out according to the weather conditions. In fact, if the owners of the port or ship know that there is a possibility of the sea becoming stormy, they never start their journey. In addition, during the trip, all security and care items are fully present and any danger or damage is prevented.

The best thing to do to prevent sudden events!
Considering the fear that exists in the minds of many people, let’s mention a few things that should be done before the sea trip to North Cyprus. The first thing ship captains or port owners do is to monitor the weather conditions in the area for the next several hours. These people choose the best time for a sea trip to North Cyprus according to the weather conditions.

In addition, all life-saving factors such as life jackets, first aid boxes, and even people who have mastered medicine or nursing are present on the ship. These factors are only so that if a problem occurs, the person can be helped as soon as possible. In spite of these works, the occurrence of risks and damage is prevented as much as possible.

So, if you are afraid of a sea trip to North Cyprus due to dangers such as drowning or stormy seas, don’t worry at all, because all these things are fully observed during the sea trip.

Cruise to Cyprus and invest in this country!

Sometimes it doesn’t matter how people travel to Cyprus, but their purpose of traveling to this country is to make a profitable investment. Today, due to the growth of financial and real estate markets, investing in North Cyprus is very profitable. This investment is done in the form of activities such as buying securities, establishing new businesses, participating in financial and real estate projects and buying property in North Cyprus.

Actually, since North Cyprus is a small and growing country, many investors do not trust this country or prefer to make small investments in this country first. For this reason, with a short trip to Northern Cyprus, they can visit both the natural and historical attractions of this country and get to know the economic conditions of this country.

So far, the financial and real estate markets of North Cyprus have been able to make very good profits for their owners. For this reason, investors are interested in investing in North Cyprus and using its positive advantages. These advantages include such things as government financial support, excellent profitability and the easier provision of permanent residency in Northern Cyprus.

Travel from the ports of Mersin to Northern Cyprus

Travel from the ports of Mersin to Northern Cyprus

Final result

If you are looking for an exciting experience of traveling to the country of Northern Cyprus, or you are tired of the monotonous ways of traveling to Cyprus, you can experience a cruise to Northern Cyprus. This way of traveling has many attractions and can be considered as one of your exciting experiences. Many people may be afraid of this method, but rest assured that all precautions are taken during all cruises to North Cyprus. Now you can contact our advisors at Zahouriyan for more information about the cruise to North Cyprus and even investing in this country.

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