Advantages of studying in Northern Cyprus

Advantages of studying in Northern Cyprus

Have you ever thought about the benefits of studying abroad? Are you interested in immigrating and living in a country like Northern Cyprus? You might imagine that among all these countries, most of which are developed, why should anyone be interested in studying in North Cyprus! What are the advantages of studying in North Cyprus that even many people are interested in studying and living in North Cyprus? Northern Cyprus is one of the growing and developing countries that has good conditions for living and studying compared to neighboring countries.

Of course, this country is very suitable in terms of investment and many economic activities, but in recent years, many people have shown interest in immigrating to this country. On the other hand, due to the increase in the scientific level and the establishment of very suitable universities, students are also interested in studying in these universities. Since the education market in Northern Cyprus is very hot nowadays, we are going to outline the advantages of studying in Northern Cyprus.

Of course, studying in foreign countries has many advantages according to their academic level, but the advantages of studying in North Cyprus is something that will definitely be excited to read. So stay with us until the end of this article.

The growth trend of Northern Cyprus

If we want to have a general look at the situation of Northern Cyprus, we must say that this country is one of the smallest Asian countries that has grown and developed over the past years. You probably know that Turkey dominates Northern Cyprus and many of the country’s laws are determined by the Turkish government. However, the government of North Cyprus has always tried to use the best services and facilities in the cities of North Cyprus.

Maybe in the past, due to the war that happened in this country, Cyprus did not have favorable conditions for life, but now this country is one of the best and best countries in Asia, which annually attracts many tourists, investors, and immigrants. attracts

But one of the main advantages and positive points of living in Cyprus Shamli goes back to studying in this country. One of the positive points about this country is that in the past years, an Iranian school was established in Northern Cyprus. In this way, Iranians could educate their children in a completely Iranian environment with the Persian language. This is one of the advantages of studying in North Cyprus. Let’s get to know the other benefits of studying in North Cyprus.

Positive points of studying in North Cyprus

Positive points of studying in North Cyprus

Advantages of studying in Northern Cyprus

The country of Northern Cyprus has generally set relatively easy conditions for the entry of its immigrants and students. In addition to the relatively good conditions provided for studying and teaching students, it has made many students interested in studying in this country. In this section, we will learn about the benefits of studying in North Cyprus:

Appropriateness of education costs

The first thing we need to talk about about the benefits of studying in North Cyprus is the affordability of the tuition fees. In general, the cost of student living in North Cyprus is very reasonable. In addition, students can eliminate a huge part of the university tuition fee by using the North Cyprus scholarship. In fact, universities have provided scholarships of 25, 50 and 75% to their students depending on the conditions that have been determined.

In this way, students can study in this country using scholarships. Of course, you should also pay attention to the fact that North Cyprus is very cheap compared to other countries. Even studying in this country does not cost much. On the other hand, students can use the monthly payment feature by stating their conditions to the university.

Ease of obtaining a study visa

Another of the best advantages of studying in North Cyprus, which has even led to the increase of immigrants in this country, is the ease of obtaining a visa. In fact, the process of obtaining a study visa is that a person fills an admission form and sends it to the desired university along with the necessary documents. After that, the university accepts his admission if it deems fit. In this situation, the person must travel to North Cyprus with the same admission application form, university response and other identity documents and educational records.

After he reaches his destination, he can get his study visa by showing the necessary documents to the officers. This visa is valid until the end of the person’s education. After that, people can permanently reside in this country by immigrating to North Cyprus.

The possibility of immigration to other countries

You probably know that Northern Cyprus is not recognized by many countries in the world, but at least it is recognized as a Turkish-dominated country. On the other hand, many universities in this country are among international universities and have a lot of prestige. Graduating from these universities proves one’s science, knowledge and skills. In this way, if someone studies in the international universities of North Cyprus, he can immigrate to other countries of the world with his degree.

Comprehensive security

One of the other points that, in addition to the benefits of studying in North Cyprus, is also very important in the field of life in this country. All-round security of this country. In fact, the security of North Cyprus is the name of many people today. In such a way that people can go out of the house at any hour of the night without any worries and not have any disturbance. This is very suitable for those who are students or live alone in North Cyprus.

Disadvantages of the University of Northern Cyprus

Disadvantages of the University of Northern Cyprus

The high scientific level of universities

In recent years, the government of Northern Cyprus has made great efforts to improve the academic level of this university. For this purpose, he started to establish public, private and even international universities. All the universities of this country have a very good scientific level and all internationally recognized fields are taught with the closest teaching methods to the international standard.

Improving language skills

It is good to know that you do not need to present language certificates to enter the universities of North Cyprus. You only have to take one language level test. But this is not the main point of the story. The main point is that even if one’s language is not specified, one can participate in the language classes that are held during the semester in the university. In this way, in addition to learning the main courses, he can also improve his language skills.

No need for an entrance exam

None of the universities in North Cyprus require an entrance exam. The only test that is conducted in these universities when students enter is the language level tests. In this way, people can study in the desired field without having to take any test, according to their educational records.

Providing student insurance

One of the best benefits of studying in North Cyprus is the provision of student insurance. In fact, students can use the student insurance feature by referring to the insurance company and reduce many of the side costs of their lives. If they use this insurance, when they face any kind of problem, they can use student insurance.

Studying in North Cyprus and a bright way to the future!

Certainly, for many students who live in Iran or even other countries, the benefits of studying in North Cyprus are quite clear. Because they are well acquainted with the possibilities of studying in this country. This is the reason why they are interested in immigration, education and even investment in this country. In the past, activities such as investing in North Cyprus were done by buying a house or other economic activities, but now, studying in Cyprus is also a type of investment.

By studying in Cyprus, students can use their abilities and skills to study in their desired academic field and take advantage of the benefits of studying in North Cyprus. In addition, they can immigrate to the same country even after finishing their studies, and by finding a suitable job, they can create a brighter future for themselves.

Educational migration to Northern Cyprus

As we mentioned in a part of the article, individuals can reside permanently in North Cyprus after completing their studies by filling out the permanent residence application form. In fact, the government of Cyprus allows its students to apply for permanent residence in Northern Cyprus if there are no problems, such as personal complaints or military problems. After examining the person’s conditions, the Cyprus government will give its response to the rejection or acceptance of his residence request. If the government of Cyprus gives a positive answer to the request for permanent residence, the person can immigrate to this country using his study visa.

Obstacles to education in North Cyprus

Obstacles to education in North Cyprus


The benefits of studying in North Cyprus are more than we want to mention in one article. But remember, before doing anything, you must gain enough knowledge and knowledge from it. So, if you have obtained good information by reading this article, you can contact our consultants at Zahorian Company and get more information about the benefits of studying in North Cyprus, and create a brighter future for yourself.

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