Northern Cyprus schools

Northern Cyprus schools

If you intend to study in a foreign country that has good living conditions, which country would you choose? One of the countries that has attracted the attention of many tourists, investors and even immigrants in recent years is North Cyprus. Living in North Cyprus is useful in many ways and for this reason many people choose North Cyprus for their immigration. But one of the most interesting things about this country is that studying in North Cyprus has many fans now.

In fact, many families immigrating to North Cyprus; They are concerned about their children’s education. For this reason, the existence of the most appropriate schools in North Cyprus has made families feel at ease. North Cyprus schools have many positive features. Of course, everything that has positive points also has negative points. For this reason, in this article, we are going to examine the conditions of education and all the schools in North Cyprus and find out whether emigrating or studying in this country is really useful or not!

If you are concerned about immigration, or if you think you are not satisfied with your academic and living conditions, be sure to stay with us until the end of this article. Because you will get to know the best schools in North Cyprus and the conditions of study in this country.

Living conditions in Northern Cyprus

As we mentioned at the beginning of the article, in recent years, North Cyprus has become one of the best and most attractive countries to live in. The conditions of Cyprus in the past were such that life was very difficult for the citizens and none of the cities of Northern Cyprus had basic life facilities and services. Of course, these deficiencies were caused by the wars and events that happened years ago in Northern Cyprus.

In any case, with the passage of a long time since those wars, the government of North Cyprus started to establish the best centers and schools in North Cyprus for the promotion and development of its country. You might imagine that the main facilities that humans need for life can be found in stores, hospitals and such centers. But remember that one of the main foundations of a country’s growth and development is related to its educational level.

For this reason, the government of North Cyprus established very good schools in its country to improve the level of science and knowledge of its citizens and their children. The reason for the emphasis of the government of Cyprus to establish quality schools in this country was because if the students understood their lessons completely from the beginning and reached knowledge using standard and principled methods, they would definitely experience better conditions in the future. This factor made North Cyprus schools grow and develop in a short period of time.

North Cyprus private schools

North Cyprus private schools

Educational conditions in Northern Cyprus

As we said, the North Cyprus government emphasized the high quality and proper functioning of North Cyprus schools. For this reason, the educational conditions in Northern Cyprus were improving day by day. North Cyprus schools used the best teaching methods to convey a lot of knowledge to their students. On the other hand, with the improvement of scientific conditions in this country, better and newer methods for teaching students were obtained. In such a way that today the teaching methods in North Cyprus schools are very close to international standards.

The growth and development of educational conditions in North Cyprus was such that it became famous in a short period of time. Finally, with the education conditions and levels in North Cyprus becoming known, many parents became interested in their children’s education in North Cyprus.

The most interesting thing about Cyprus schools that you don’t know about!

As we mentioned at the beginning of the article, nowadays many immigrants choose Northern Cyprus for their lives. On the other hand, many of these immigrants are Iranian and are interested in living in Cyprus. But since the language of the people in Northern Cyprus is completely different, many people in this country speak Turkish and many speak English or German. This factor became a concern for Iranian parents.

Because many parents would like their child to learn Persian first and then learn Turkish or English depending on the situation. The interesting point that we mentioned in the title of this section is exactly this. The North Cyprus government has established an Iranian school in North Cyprus to address the concerns of these parents.

In these schools, children can speak Persian and learn Turkish or English after reaching the appropriate age. The establishment of these schools in North Cyprus made Iranians more interested in immigrating to North Cyprus.

Northern Cyprus schools

Regardless of the positive role of Iranian schools in North Cyprus, we must mention the schools of North Cyprus. Schools, many of which were established years ago, and many of which have recently started their activities. North Cyprus schools are generally divided into three categories:

Public schools

When parents plan to enroll their children in North Cyprus schools, probably the first type of school that comes to their mind is public schools. These schools do not charge any fees for school fees. The only cost that parents have to pay for their children’s education in public schools is the cost of transportation, food, and the cost of purchasing educational materials. The working hours of these schools are from 8 am to 1 pm. Teachers and students of public schools generally speak Turkish. But if someone wants to speak in English, the teachers are also fluent in this language.

One of the good things about public schools in North Cyprus is that upon completion of the course, students are given a valid certificate of completion. But if we want to point out the disadvantages of studying in public schools, we must say that in order to enter these schools, a student must have a Turkish language certificate. In simpler words, if a foreign student wants to enroll in these schools, he must take the Turkish language test and provide the school with proof of mastery of this language.

Northern Cyprus public schools

Northern Cyprus public schools

Private schools

You are probably familiar with the function and role of private schools. These schools accept a smaller number of students and instead of accepting 200 or 300 students, they start their work by registering at least 100 students. In simpler words, since the number of students in these schools is less, the teacher can spend more time on everyone. The cost of studying in these schools is between 70 and 120 thousand liras. A very positive thing about Yain schools is that students can speak in English and do not need to provide Turkish language certificates.

The closing time of these schools varies between 15:30 and 16:30 depending on the classes. Among the advantages of studying in these schools, we can mention more detailed learning and more time for teachers. Among the disadvantages of these schools is that parents have to pay more for their children’s education.

International schools

One of the main schools in North Cyprus, which has a very good academic level, is the international school. These schools have English and American systems. Actually, the teaching methods in these schools are much better and most of the students of these schools are foreign immigrants. Iranian immigrants can also enroll in these schools by providing the necessary documents and having sufficient skills.

Degrees in North Cyprus

The study period in North Cyprus is slightly different from the study periods in Iran. In fact, some of these sections are mandatory and some are optional:

Preschool course (optional)
Elementary course (compulsory)
First secondary course (compulsory)
Second secondary course (optional)
The best schools in Northern Cyprus

If you intend to immigrate to North Cyprus for education, or you are a family that is concerned about the education of your children in Cyprus, you should get to know the best schools in North Cyprus, which are international and the best environment for foreign students to study:

Necat British College
Pascal English School (PASCAL PRIVATE SCHOOLS)
Doga Koleji schools
The English School of Kyrenia
North Cyprus Foley’s School

All these schools are among the international schools in North Cyprus. These North Cyprus schools are considered the best educational environment for foreign students. Parents can enroll their children in these international schools by checking the necessary conditions and documents from the schools.

Studying in North Cyprus schools is a way to a bright future!

If they ask you what is the best way to invest in a country like North Cyprus or even other countries, how would you answer them? One of the best and biggest investments in North Cyprus or other countries is investing in the future of children. The future of our children is made by making the right choices, such as studying in a principled and scientific school.

In this way, parents can guarantee their child’s career by enrolling their children in North Cyprus schools that have a high academic level. Don’t think that investment is only done with money, nowadays many investments can be made in the field of science and knowledge and future career.

Education in North Cyprus schools

Education in North Cyprus schools

last word

Considering the current conditions in Cyprus, it can be said that immigration and education in this country have many advantages. The schools of Northern Cyprus have been provided to the students with the best and highest quality and level of education. If you are planning to study in Cyprus, or if you feel that you should shape the future of your children in this country, be sure to contact our consultants at Zahouriyan Company.

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